Chapter 2: Rebekah

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Elijah got Lya and Hayley settled in at the Plantation, right before he disappeared. A few days past with the werewolf and the hunter being trapped with Klaus before they heard someone entered the house that wasn't the hybrid. In an instant, Hayley had a fire poker and Lya was holding the angel's blade, her brothers demanded she has on her at all, as they headed downstairs on to be greeted by Rebekah

"Oh good you must be the maids," Rebekah said looking at them.

"Not maids," Lya said placing the angel's blade in her jacket pocket while Hayley put down her fire poker.

"Right, your the hunter my brother knocked up, Lya," Rebekah said "and her werewolf protector, Hayley. Either of you knows where Elijah is?"

"Nope," Hayley said, "Here he was one second making all these promises to protect Lya and the baby and then Klaus tells us he left."

"That doesn't sound like my brother," Rebekah said "Elijah always keeps his promises. Klaus most have done something to him. Klaus get out here you narcissistic backstabbing wanker!"

"Enough" Klaus shouted back entering the room the three girls stood in. "With all the shouting, little sister. I assume the dead six vampires were your doing."

"Well they were very rude," Rebekah said "trying to victimize a poor innocent girl trying to find her way to the quarter. So sorry we're the friends of yours. Oh, wait you don't have any."

"I have friends," Klaus said "I have Marcel. You remember him, don't you? Yes of course you do. He fancies himself king of the quarter now and he had these rules about killing vampires. It'll be fun to see what punishment he comes up with for you."

"I don't care about Marcel or his rules" Rebekah stated "Elijah does run out on deals. What did you do to him?"

"Perhaps he's on holiday," Klaus said "or taking a long autumns nap upstairs. Go on take a look around."

Rebekah glared at her brother and left the room and began searching the house. Klaus then turned to Lya and Hayley.

"What are you two still doing here," Klaus asked. Lya just rolled her eyes and left the room motioning for Hayley to come with.

"I hate to admit this but he makes me miss Lucifer," Lya said pushing the door to the kitchen open and grabbing an apple.

"Well clearly he's worse then Satan" Hayley agreed as Lya took a bit out of her apple. "And he never possessed one of your brothers."

"And his dickish older brother did as well," Lya said "and don't get me started on the shit Gabriel and Raphael have done. Actually, I'm taking Gabriel out, he was just a dick, not an evil dick."

"Who's an evil dick," Rebekah asked entering the kitchen.

"Klaus" Lya admitted chunking the apple core in the trash.

"I'll give you that," Rebekah said "Now I have to ask, Elijah said something about you having a literal guardian angel. Do you mind me asking how you got one?"

"No," Lya said "and I have no idea how. One day Cas just pulled Dean out of hell and started hanging around. Eventually, he'd just showed up whenever my life was endangered. He never told me why all he ever said was I was special."

"Special indeed" Rebekah nodded to her pregnant belly.

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