Chapter 10: King of Hell

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Lya hadn't heard anything from Sam, Dean, or Cas since the day Hope was born which didn't help her deal with the loss of her daughter. She spent half her time mourning in the baby's nursery and the rest of the time she was off killing monsters -mostly demons- that found their way to New Orleans.

After helping Klaus, Elijah, and Hayley get all the moonlight rings and kill all of the Guerrera werewolves, they returned to the compound. There they were greeted by a certain demon that Lya know would come to visit sooner or later.

"Mouse" Crowley shouted at the younger Winchester "Call off your mutt."

"Klaus let him go," Lya said, "he a friend, I guess."

"Thank you," Crowley said brushing himself off. "Not that you deserve seeing as you've been killing my minions."

"Should have kept them out New Orleans" Lya shrugged. "Especially while I'm dealing with my daughter's..."

"If you say death, I'll send you back to hell" Crowley threatened "because I know that girl's still alive."

"You couldn't possibly know that," Klaus said about to attack him but Crowley waved his hand and pinned the original to the wall.

"I'm the King of Hell," Crowley told him "I make it my business to know when a Winchester is dead. If the baby mouse was dead, I'd be the first to know."

"Okay I know you don't really care about me killing your guys," Lya said, "and you would have just called if you want to tell me you know about Hope, so why are you really her Crowley."

"Oh yeah, you still want to what happened to your boys right," Crowley said and Lya nodded "Well Dean and Cas end up in purgatory when Roman explode and Moose just quit. Anyways Dean's back and pissed at Sam for abounding that prophet Kevin. They'll or may not come by to see you, who knows, you Winchesters are unpredictable."

"Well thanks for the info," Lya said "I'll see you around"

"See you around, Mouse," Crowley said and disappeared with a snap of his fingers.

"The King of Hell calls you Mouse" Klaus question.

"It's because I small compared to my brothers and apparently mean," Lya said, "but you should hear what he calls Sam and Dean."

"I'm pretty sure you're the one that started calling Sam Moose," Hayley said

"No I call Sam a giant moose puppy man thing," Lya said "there's a complete difference"

"My daughter is related to bunch weirdos" Klaus stated.

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