Chapter 28: The Saltzman House

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Lya had packed up Hope and took a trip to Dallas to see Caroline when things started getting bad with the Mark. Dean had made a point about how the Mark was starting to take control and it wasn't safe to keep Hope around. Eventually, with Sam's help, Dean managed to convince Lya to leave with Hope instead of just having Hayley take the baby for a few days.

Now Hope set on the floor at Ric and Caroline's house between the twins play pins. Every now and then the three-year-old Mikaelson would stop playing with her toys and just watch one of the twins sleep before looking to her mother and aunt with a smile.

"She's so adorable," Caroline said referring to Hope. "It hard to believe she's actually half Klaus."

"Yeah, it hard for me to believe it at times myself" Lya admitted. "She really seems to love the twins though."

"I know" Care stated, "I bet when their older, they're going to be best friends with Hope."

"Wouldn't be too surprised?" Lya told her "It happened with us"

"Hopefully, they won't be as troublesome as we were," Caroline said. "Then again, they have troublemakers on both sides of the family so..."

"We're doomed" Lya stated "God their teenage years are going to be horrible if their anything like us. Sometimes I wonder how Aunt Liz put up with the two of us."

"By being an amazing mom," Ric said entering the living. "You two had a very good role model. I think you're both going to be able to twin siphoners and a tribrid."

"I guess your right" Lya said "Plus as long as they don't have their own set of Salvatore brothers they shouldn't end up into much drama outside of their own supernatural problems"

"Well our lives would have been less dramatic without Stefan and Damon," Caroline said. "But if we hadn't met them we wouldn't have those three beautiful girls"

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