Chapter 63: Destroying Darkness

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Once Lya calmed down and got to point where she was willing to work with Chuck, Amara began to explain what had to happen in order to save from the Dark Magic inside. After what seemed like hours, Amara finished filling Lya in but before anyone could say anything else, Lya got a call from Hope.

"Mom" Hope began speaking the second Lya picked up. "Dad had Lizzie and Josie put the darkness in himself."

"What?" Lya asked in shock

"Uncle Elijah and I got to him before he could kill himself" Hope explained, "We got him back to New Orleans but we don't have much time before things get really bad."

"Hope," Lya said "I'm with Chuck and Amara right now and we'll be their short. Get the others to help you make sure your dad stays put till will do."

"What am I supposed to them?" Hope asked her mother. Lya could hear the worry and fear in the girl's voice.

"Tell them the truth," Lya told her before hanging up and turning back to her father and aunt. "So change of plan. The darkness is no longer in Hope but in her father."

"That actually makes things easier," Chuck said earning a questioning look from his daughter. "I don't care about hurting him so I can destroy it faster."


When Lya got to the compound with Chuck and Amara, the Mikaelsons family was reminiscing about Klaus past. No one even noticed the three newcomers till Hope just happened to glance back.

"Mom" Hope said turning on her heels heading over to hug her grandfather and great-aunt. "Grandpa Chuck, Auntie Amara, it's great to see you both again, even if it took a decade."

"She's mad about that too" Chuck looked at Lya who nodded.

"Hey, you're the one the one that didn't call for ten years" Lya shrugged.

"Lya, what's going on?" Elijah asked

"Oh yeah, Chuck finally decided to start answering prays," Lya said, "and is going to destroy the dark magic that's now inside Klaus."

"How exactly is going to destroy it," Freya asked, "I mean we've looked for a way and found nothing."

"Aunt Freya, He's God," Hope remarked "He created the universe and can destroy anything in it "

"And on that note," Chuck said looking at Hope and the rest of the Mikaelsons. "This going to be extremely painful for Niklaus and I suggest everyone leaves the room."

"Wait how painful" Hope asked looking to her mother.

"It can't be put into words," Lya said after a moment of think. Chuck then quickly shooed everyone out of the room. Seconds later everyone except Amara flinched at the sound of Klaus pained scream.

"That sounds bad" Kol winced and everyone nodded in agreement. After another minute of Klaus screaming, Chuck entered the room.

"It's been destroyed" Chuck informed them "Niklaus should be fine in a few hours."

"Thanks, Chuck," Lya said before going to help the others with the original hybrid.

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