Chapter 21: Children

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Lya sat on the couch in Tyler's living room, writing to Elena, as she listened to Damon and Stefan argue about the events that had taken place at the dinner Lily had hosted. Honestly, she had nothing against them going after Jullian but they really need to be on the same page about how to go about it.

"Come on boys," Lya said when Stefan throws Damon through the coffee table at vamp speed.

"I got Valerie pregnant" Stefan told his brother and friend. "In 1863. Jullian found out about and he beat her till the baby was no longer alive. I could have been a father"

"Why didn't you just tell me," Damon asked

"What would you want me to do," Stefan asked "tell you I could have had a kid, watch you brush it off with some joke about how it was a hundred fifty years ago. I know it was a hundred and fifty years ago, Damon, and it's stupid how it affects me but it still does. I want him dead. No one's going to stop me from killing him. Not in six months, not in six weeks, now."

"Stefan do honestly believe I wouldn't let you kill him," Damon asked, "Six months ago I promised to help Lya kill the witch that took her child."

"And it's not stupid that this is affecting you," Lya told him "Hundred and fifty years or not, you lost your child. If part of you wasn't affected by it then there would have to be something wrong with you."

"Oh most definitely" Klaus's voice appeared behind the two Salvatores and the Winchester. "Anyways what happened out there and who's living in your house."

"What the hell are you doing here, Klaus?" Lya asked getting to her feet and facing him.

"We need you back in New Orleans," Klaus said.

"And why would I being willing to help you." Lya crossed her arms and Klaus stepped over to her.

"Remember what really happened" Klaus compelled her to remember what really happened in the bayou six months early. Instantly she attacked him. Both Salvatore brothers watched as Klaus just let her hit him repeatedly before he grabbed both her wrists to stop her. "Hayley!"

Hayley entered into the Lockwood Mansion caring Hope. Instantly Lya's eyes where on the baby and Klaus let her go. Within seconds Lya had a hold of her daughter and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"Hi baby girl" Lya mumbled and she could feel Damon and Stefan watching her. "I missed you so much."

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