Chapter 58: Tales of Tragedy

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Throughout her life, Lya had faced many things that terrified her. However, from the yellow-eyed demon to a Michael possessed Dean, nothing scared her more than her current situation. Sure, Rowena had a way to banish the darkness from Hope for good but that still didn't stop Lya from worrying. After all, this was her daughter's life at stake and no matter how many times she suffered through the loss of a sibling, she would never be able to handle losing her child.

At the moment she stood out on the balcony, while Klaus was inside with Hope. At first, she was going to scream at the sky as if Chuck was actually listening to vent her anger but when she got outside she couldn't find the words. As much as she wanted to blame him, she couldn't and she had no idea why.

"Hey," Klaus said announcing his presence as he joined her out on the balcony.

"Is she asleep?" Lya asked not bothering to look at him.

"She's asleep," Klaus told her and Lya nodded as she continued looking back at the sky.  For a while, le, they stood there in silence staring at the sky but after a few minutes of this Klaus spoke up again. "Now of this has been easy on you has it?"

"My sister's dead," Lya told him turning to face the original. "And my daughter is suffering. After going through things like this my whole life you'd think it would be easy but it never is. I finally understand why my dad sold his soul save Dean all those years ago though."

"Why's that, Love" Klaus asked

"Because if vampires could sell their souls, I would to save her," Lya remarked. "But sadly that wouldn't end well so it not allowed."

"Well then, I guess we just have to hope your witch can help" Klaus responded.

"Trust me, Rowena will do whatever it takes to save Hope," Lya told him "Hope happens to be one of Rowena's favorite people, she'd do almost anything to save her."

Silence fell over them once again and Lya looked back at the sky. She didn't notice that Klaus was watching. If did she would have noticed the softness in his eyes that she'd only ever seen him use with Hope. Of she did she would have seen his love for her.

"I miss when she was little" Lya referred to Hope. "She grows up so fast."

"She has" Klaus agreed "It seems like just yesterday, we were sending her off with Rebekah and now..."

"She almost an adult" Lya said. "Something I barely was when she was born."

"From the moment I meet you, you were to mature for your age," Klaus told her brushing a strand of loose hair out of her face. Lya leaned into his touch without even meaning to. Suddenly his lips were on her in a heated a kiss that was seven years overdue. However, before things could go any further, Lya's phone began to ring.

"Sorry," Lya said pulling away and looking at her phone. Seeing Vincent name on the screen answered knowing that something had to be wrong. "Hey Vincent, what's wrong."

"Emmett killed Ivy and eight of the witch" Vincent informed and Lya could tell he had been crying from the tremble invoice.

"I'll be right there," Lya said hanging up and turning back to Klaus. "Keeping me informed about Hope."

Before Klaus could even respond she had was out of the compound and at the Gates of the Lafayette cemetery.

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