Chapter 64: And All Is Well

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Klaus slept for days after the dark magic was destroyed. On occasion, he would wake but only for a moment before unconsciousness crept back in. Throughout the week members of the family took turns taking care of the Original Hybrid. Hope even refused to return to school till her father woke completely and Lya didn't even attempt to fight the girl on that.

By the time Klaus finally came to, it was late Friday evening. Kol and Davina had been getting ready to head home all day. Freya and Keelin were off with Vincent discuss things about the child they planned to bring into the world. Elijah had gone out with Rebekah and Marcel, who had recently announced their engagement. And Hope was busy painting in her room. As for Lya, she had actually been checking in on Klaus when his eyes suddenly opened.

"Wow, Nik," Lya said throwing her hands up in front of her when he set up in a panic. "Calm down. Everything's okay. You're okay."

"What happened?" He asked after her words sunk in.

"You fall unconscious after the dark magic was destroyed," Lya said moving to sit on the edge of the bed. "Everyone's been a little worried for the past week."

"That did not seem like a week," Klaus told her.

"That probably has something to do with the fact that you've been slipping in and out of consciousness," Lya told him

"Where is everyone else?" Klaus inquired after a moment of silence.

"Kol and Davina are getting ready to head back to Belize," Lya spoke "Freya and Keelin are out with Vincent, Elijah is out with Rebekah and Marcel, and Hope has been painting all day. Actually, I should probably go tell her you're finally awake."

Before Klaus could even respond Lya was out of the room. Within seconds, she reached Hope's room. Like girl had been doing last time Lya checked on her, Hope was busy painting. However, she seemed to sense her mother's presence and looked up.

"Hi Mom" Hope greeted her with a small smile.

"Hey sweetie," Lya said, "Your dad's awake."

"Seriously," Hope asked and Lya gave her a nodded I response. Hope quickly put her paintbrush down and rushed down the hall to her father's.

"Hi Sweetheart" Klaus groaned as the fifteen-year-old latch on to him in a tight hug.

"Hope, late the man breath" Lya spoke leaning against the door frame.  "He's only been awake a few minutes."

"And you still have screamed at him" Hope asked releasing her father and looking back her mother.

"I figured he's been through enough in the past week" Lya smirked "I will eventually. You know after I've let my anger build-up for a few centuries."

"Oh bloody hell," Klaus said knowing he doomed. "If I were to apologize could I possibly avoid this."

"No," Lya said walking over to him and quickly kissing him. "But I'd love to see you try."

"Trust me Dad," Hope decided to warn her father. "You will not succeed in getting Mom to forgive you for this unless you're Uncle Gabe."

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