Chapter 16: Little One

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With the threat of Dahlia raising, it was decided that Lya and Hayley would keep Hope safe at Marcel's Jazz Club. The building had been blessed to keep magic from being used in its walls. This meant if Dahlia managed to find the three there she wouldn't have her magic.

The pack was set up around the perimeter as the first line of defense for Hope. Meanwhile, Klaus and Elijah would occasionally come to check on them while Freya and Rebekah worked on a way to lure Dahlia to the compound and kill her.

"This is so boring," Lya told her sister as she picked up Hope. "We could have just as easily go and stayed with the boys. Hope would probably be safer at the bunker anyway."

"Yeah well..." Hayley began but cut herself off when she saw the flowers growing outside the club. "There Dahlias. She knows we're here."

The sisters quickly tried calling Klaus and Elijah but neither of their phones nor the landline would work.

"I need you to go get help now" Hayley order one of the wolves that were inside with the "Go"

"It's an okay baby girl" Lya whispered to Hope bouncing her on her hip as Dahlia came into view.

"What a beauty" Dahlia said "Hello my child. I..." Before she could go any further and entered the club she realized her magic wouldn't work. "I was hoping for a more intimate chat though I sense by entering you'd have me at a considerable disadvantage."

"Well you can come on in," Hayley said "I'd love to show you some hybrid hospitality"

"I only want to see the little one, who has been promised to me," Dahlia said, "Won't be long now, surely you've noticed that the spell protecting you is growing weak."

"If you lay a finger on her I swear I'll make you suffer in ways your evil mind can't imagine" Lya threatened to hold her daughter close.

"Hah, Lya is it," Dahlia said "I have no quarrel with you. Esther made this bargain long ago. It's most unfortunate that you had to be dragged into it."

"You talk like you don't have a choice," Lya said, "but this is your doing."

"When I give my word I keep it," Dahlia told her. "And I expect others to do the same. Esther and I made a bargain a long time ago and so you see that child is rightfully mine. The only question you need ask is would deny me knowing that it would mean your death."

"You are not taking her," Lya said

"Your frightened" Dahlia said "for your child. I can assure you anything that Freya may have told you about lives together...well she always had a flair for the dramatic."

"Yeah well, it seems to run in the family" Hayley stated.

"Well, of course, most of my troubles with Freya stem from the fact that I came for her so late in her life," Dahlia said "She had such a strong memory of the family I took her from but Hope is still young. She won't cling to the memory of you or will she cry for you in her sleep. You can take comfort in the fact that for her it will be as if you never existed."

"Come closer" Hayley threatened to flash her hybrid eyes and to step in front of her sister and niece. "Let's see how a witch with no magic does against me."

"Now you've upset the child," Dahlia said "Pity, you two shouldn't have to waste your last hours with her this way. You should spend your time saying your farewells. Nightfall tomorrow will come all too soon. Goodbye for now, Little One."

"You know I may not be on the best terms with the King of Hell right now" Lya shouted after Dahlia. "But I'm willing to bet he has a special place in hell for you."

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