Chapter 9: Saving Hope

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As soon as she knew her mind was stable, Lya rushed for the graveyard. She had no idea how she knew it but she just that was the witches took her baby. She didn't care what it took she was going to kill every last one of them and take her daughter back.

When she got to the graveyard, she quickly found Klaus, Elijah, and Hayley planning how to save the baby. Instantly the three shared at her in surprise before they realized how she was still alive.

"Besides for the part with witches having kidnapped your daughter and having died, are you okay?" Hayley asked Lya.

"I saw my dad while I was dead," Lya told her.

"What was that like?" Hayley asked.

"He said he was proud," Lya told her with a small smile "and to never let my baby forget her existence brought this family hope."

"I think you just found the perfect name, Love" Klaus interrupted "Hope."

"Well then," Elijah said, "Let's go save Hope."

The four of them shared a look before heading out to kill the witch. However, the three witches quickly throw them back. The four then split up. Hayley and Lya went one way, Elijah the other, and Klaus went at them head-on.

Lya and Hayley end up fighting Genevieve while the brothers dealt with Monique and Abigail. Genevieve throws Hayley back with a spell but when she tried to do the same with Lya, Cas appeared behind the witch and the witch was thrown at Lya. Lya caught her and sunk her fangs into her neck finishing the transition.

"Well she died, again," Lya said before hugging her guardian angel. "It's good to have you back, Cas"

"Marcel took Hope" Elijah ran over to the girls and the angel "Klaus has gone after him. Who's that?"

"He's Cas," Lya said

"I have to go help your brothers deal with the Leviathans," Castiel said

"Have fun?" Lya said but the angel had already disappeared "Okay now I'm going to kick Marcel's ass."


Lya stood in Hope's nursery holding the little baby. She knew in a matter of hours, she has to hand her baby over into Rebekah's care to keep her safe and till then she wasn't going to let her go.

"You know Hope," Lya said "When my brothers and I were babies, our moms told us angels were watching over us but it wasn't exactly true for us but for you it is. Cas and Gabe are going to be there to protect you when your dad, aunts, uncles, and I can't be, I promise."

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