Chapter 15: The Wedding

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After Finn tried to come after Hope, Klaus decided it was time Lya, Cami, and Elijah came back to the compound with the baby.  When they got there, people were busy setting up for Hayley and Jackson's wedding.

"Hayley" Lya heard Klaus talking to her sister in the other room. "There's someone here that wants to say hello."

A few seconds later, Hayley and Jackson followed Klaus out into the courtyard where Lya was holding with Hope while Cami and Elijah stood next to her.

"You brought them here," Hayley said as Lya hand Hope over to her aunt.

"Well, we couldn't miss your wedding," Lya told her.

"Plus once you're married to Jackson, all the crescents will be here to protect Hope," Klaus said. "Now better finish getting ready."


Lya stood on the balcony and watched the ceremony with Klaus and Elijah. She still had trouble believing that this was actually happening. She trouble believing that Hayley was actually giving up the feelings she has for Elijah to marry Jackson so that the pack wouldn't need moonlight rings.

At the ceremony, Lya stayed to the side and watched as Hayley and Jackson dance. Suddenly Klaus came walking downstairs without Hope.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it may have your attention please," Klaus said. "Hayley, Lya if you would join me I'd like to propose a toast." The sisters shared a look before walking over to the originals who handed Lya, their daughter. "I want to welcome you. As you all know last spring, Lya and I had a daughter. Due to tragic circumstance, she was lost, now she has returned home. Her name is Hope and she will live here among you, her pack, as it has recently been discovered that Hayley is her maternal aunt. I ask you to protect her, teach her, and love her as one of your own." Klaus paused and grabbed a glass of champagne before turning to Jackson. "Jackson, I invite you and your bride to live here, uniting your proud and noble people in peace. Welcome to the family mate. To Jackson and Hayley."

Hayley and Lya stood there in shock for a moment before quickly walking over to Jackson and pulling him to the side.

"What the hell was that about?" Jackson asked, "Inviting us to live here."

"I've no idea," Lya told him "Yes, I wanted the pack to protect Hope. There is a psycho witch that tried to kill her running around the city but Klaus most likely has an ulterior motive."

"She right" Hayley agreed "we're going to have to extremely careful."

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