Chapter 51: The Funeral: Part 1

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You'd think by now Lya would be used to the pain of losing a sibling. Afterall Sam and Dean had died a handful of times themselves but with Hayley it was different. The hybrid was never coming back and Lya knows that. She knew that no matter what she did Hayley wouldn't be coming back and it hurt.

The next few days were difficult. Between telling Hope her aunt was dead and planning the funeral, there was no time for Lya to process things. By the time day of her sister's funeral came around, it was surprising she hadn't broken down.

"Where's a dad?" Hope asked as the Second Line was about to begin.

"He'll be here soon" Freya informed her "He's just waiting on Ivy to help him with the Astral Projection."

"And everyone else?" The fifteen-year-old asked.

"Marcel should be here and Vicent," Lya told her looking around and finding Josh. "There's Josh"

"What about Declan?" Hope asked and Lya shared a look with Freya. "Please tell me someone told Declan?"

"He's in Ireland," Freya said, "and I was so focused on everyone else..."

"Oh my God, Freya" Hope said

"I'll fix it," Freya told her as everything began.

"This is all wrong," Hope said after they had been walking for a little while. "She didn't even know all these people."

"Your aunt mads a mark on this city," Lya told her "Everyone's here to honor her."

"But where are all her friends" Hope asked looking around and walking ahead of her mother and aunt. Freya stopped when she got a call from Marcel and Lya paused to listen in. Suddenly black vans cut off the funeral.

"Josh" Freya shouted getting the vampire to check what was going on.

"Freya, Lya" Klaus shouted getting to his sister and the mother of his daughter.

"Klaus" Lya said

"Emmett what the hell are you doing here," Josh asked the vampire in the van.

"Where an Antoinette and Elijah" Emmett asked.

"Probably under a rock somewhere," Josh told him "Maybe you should join them."

"We're not going anywhere," Emmet said pulling back a sheet to reveal stake load crossbows. "Till they returned to us safely."

Klaus disappeared within seconds and Lya and Freya ran over to Hope.

"Hope, we have to get out of here," Freya told her niece.

"No this already sucks enough" Hope stated "I'm not going to let them ruin it more"

The youngest Mikaelson then cast her aunt and mother aside. The girl then began speaking in Latin as she walked towards one of the vans, setting it on fire.

"Hope" Lya shouted at her daughter. Hope didn't listen and turned to go after the other van.

"Josh" Freya shouted and the vampire wooshed Hope to safety before the vampires in the van could hurt her.

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