Chapter 31: Mary

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As soon as Lya finish talking to Hope and Caroline on the phone, Dean entered the Bunker with a blonde woman that looked shocking like his and Sam's mother.

"You look terrible," Dean said and Lya rolled her eyes.

"Yeah that's what happens when someone knocks a vampire out using high frequency," Lya said looking at the woman. "Who brought your mom?"

"Amara" Dean said "Mom this mine and Sammy's little sister, Lya."

"Nice to meet you," Mary said and Lya nodded.

"Wait a second, Lee, who knocked you out" Dean asked.

"Some British chick that was waiting here when Sam, Cas, and I got back," Lya said, "She banished Cas, knocked me out, and..." She trailed off noticing the puddle of Sam's blood. "Sammy!"

"Lya, what's wrong?" Dean asked but she had already taken off at vamp speed to search the Bunker.

"And here I thought Rebekah was bitch," Lya said returning to the library "but at least she would kidnap one of the brothers."


Lya missed having a witch on call. If she still did she'd have just used a tracking spell to find Sam but with Freya asleep and Bonnie MIA that wasn't an option. Of course, she could have just called Valerie or risked calling Vincent but it wasn't worth the wait.

"Momma" Hope shouted as the door to bunker and Hope entered with Caroline and the twins.

"What are you doing here," Lya asked hugging Hope.

"Sam's missing and Mary's been resurrect," Caroline said "You need all the help you can get. Also if the girls keep asking why you weren't back yet and Ric's on a business trip."

"Care," Dean said entering the library. "What are you doing here?"

"Do you even need to ask?" Caroline said as the twins each hugged one of Dean's legs.

"Uncle Dean is it true" Lizzie asked

"Is that true?" Dean asked the little siphoner.

"That your mom was brought" Hope and Josie spoke in unison.

"Girls" Caroline scolded.

"It's okay Care," Dean said kneeling down to be eye level with the three girls. "Yeah, it's true. You want to meet her."

"Yeah" the little voice chimed in unison.

"Okay come on," Dean said taking the twins hands and motioning for Hope, Caroline, and Lya to follow. "Mom, Lya and I got some people we'd like you to meet."

"Who?" Mary asked appearing in the doorway to see Caroline and the three girls.

"Mom this is Aunt Liz's daughter, Caroline Forbes," Dean said pointing to Care then the twins. "These are Care's twin girls, Lizzie, and Josie Saltzman and then that's Lya's daughter, Hope Mikaelson. Girls this is mine and Sam's mom, Mary Winchester."

"Wow, this family just keeps getting bigger and bigger," Mary said

"Yeah, you'll get used to it," Lya told her.


Dean and Mary had left Lya and Caroline at the bunker with kids when they learned where Sam was being held captive. Hours later Mary and Dean returned with Sam.

"That was fantastic" Dean said as the family seat around the table. "Thanks, Mom."

"All I did was the point at a take out menu," Mary said setting the pie in front of Dean. "Would have cooked but I don't."

"Wait," Dean said looking slightly confused. "Your meatloaf was amazing."

"Came from the Piggly Wiggly," Mary said, "Sorry to burst your bubble but do you still like pie."

"Do you even have to ask?" Lya said as Dean nodded and grabbed the pie.

"Sam," Mary said noticing how her youngest was looking at her. "You keep looking at me like I'm going to explode."

"I'm sorry" Sam stuttered.

"So what do we think," Mary asked, "Are we buying the Brits whole let's be friends routine?"

"No" all four Sam, Dean, Lya and Caroline spoke in unison.

"Could you eat that any faster" Mary asked Dean as he ate his pie.

"No" Dean spoke with his mouth full "No I can not."

"Well we should call the internet and find all we can about these guys," Mary said. "Did I say that right."

"Close" Dean said

"Yeah that was close," Sam told her.

"No, it..." Hope, Josie, and Lizzie began only for their mothers to interrupt them.

"Okay it past the girls' bedtime," Caroline said picking up Lizzie and Josie while Lya grabbed Hope.

, , goodnight girls," Lya told the three children.

"Goodnight Uncle Dean" the three chimed in unison. "Goodnight Uncle Sammy. Goodnight Nonna Mary."

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