Chapter 46: Broken

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Lya left the compound before anyone else woke up the next morning. Late the night before she received a call from the Queen of Hell, Letha MacLeod, who had information on what happened to Hayley. Over the past seven years Lya has realized that much like her father, Letha was willing to help the Winchesters and had grown to trust the cambion.

Of course, no one outside of Letha, Sam, Dean, Lya, Hope, and Rowena, even know this alliance even existed. This meant Lya couldn't actually tell Klaus or Freya, that might get some new information on Hayley's disappearance. As for not telling Hope, Lya didn't want to bring her daughter into a situation involving demons.

"Your late, Mouse" Letha said leaning against a tree out in the bayou where she told Lya to meet her. "We agreed to meet at seven. It's 7:30."

"Yeah, and I had to get out of the house with Hope or Freya noticing," Lya said rolling her eyes at the redhead. "Now what do you know about a sister?"

"All straight to the point with you Winchesters" Letha said, "You know you could ask how I'm doing, you know."

"You're the Queen of Hell," Lya said "You're just a female version of Crowley. Now do you have information on Hayley or did I come down here for nothing."

"Fine" Letha said "but it comes at a price"

"Of course," Lya remarked. She should have expected something like this from Letha. The woman was half-demon and daughter of Crowley as well as Rowena's granddaughter. Of course, the information came with a price. "What do you need me to do?"

"Oh it's simple really," Letha said snapping her fingers and another demon appeared. This one had taken a male vessel and was currently hogtied. "This is...well his name doesn't matter. Anyways, he tried to kill me and though I'd love to take the time to torture him for all of eternity. I don't have the time between meetings and everything that comes with being Queen of Hell."

"Let me guess you want me to just smite him," Lya said knowing exactly what her 'friend' was getting at.

"And that's why you're my favorite," Letha said prior to Lya placing her hand on the demon's forehead. Instantly the demon's eyes flashed black before light flood out of them, only for seconds later the vessel to collapse to the ground.

"There," Lya gestured to the deceased vessel. "Now talk or you're going to suffer the same fate."

"Aw and you say your not Old Luci's sister" Letha spoke earning a glare from Lya. "Okay so here's what I know..."

It took Letha a few hours to tell Lya everything she knew about Hayley's disappearance. As soon as the cambion finished speaking though, Lya didn't even say goodbye before heading back to the compound.

According to Letha, Hope had put a sleeping charm and a cloaking spell that she wrote herself so that no witch could find the hybrid. Hope then got Henry to help hide Hayley and it was all so Klaus would come to New Orleans.

All of this lead to Lya begin pretty angrily with her daughter but the second she appeared in the compound all that anger dissolved as she saw Klaus and Hope talking. From what she could tell Hope had made it impossible for Klaus to leave and from what was being said it sounded like we're discussing what happened when Hope was nine.

"I was protecting when I left" Lya heard Klaus tell their daughter as she watched silently from the top of the stairs. "The horror in your eyes that night when you saw me is burned into my memory."

"I was nine" Hope told him "and I saw this scary monster that looked like my dad, who taught me how to mix paint, who called me a princess. I didn't know which version of you was really and waited for you to explain it or to apologize or tell me that you loved me." As she spoke, Hope stood up from she had been sitting. "I waited for you for years but you didn't come."

"In my experience father's cause pain," Klaus said and Lya took a few steps down careful not to interrupt them. "Rather buy their presence or their absence. There a certain type of ruin on a father a can...can leave behind and you were such a sweet little girl perhaps I was always bound to leave you broken."

"You really think I'm broken" Hope spoke sadly. "Maybe you're right. Maybe that little girl you missed so much would have been better off if she never loved you at all" Hope paused long enough to open the doors. "You can go now."

"Hope," Klaus said stepping closer to her as Lya finished descending the staircase. "Please."

Seconds later Klaus vanished and Lya vamp sped to her daughter. Instantly Hope wrapped her arms around her mother and let the tears she'd been trying to fight fall.

"Was he right?" Hope sobbed into Lya's shoulder. "Am I really broken?"

Sorry I didn't get this chapter up sooner. I planned to post it on sooner but I to bath dogs and babysit so I do push posting to side. Anyways I did like to know you guys thought on a prequel to this story set during the first four seasons of Vampires Diaries and seasons 5 & 6 of Supernatural. Let me know what you think.

Love Y'all,


P.S. I have come up with Klaus and Lya's ship name its Lylaus and then Lylape is for Klaus, Lya, and Hope's.

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