Chapter 41: The Hollow

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After everything, they tried to get rid of the Hollow the worst thing possible happened. The Hollow had taken over Hope, knowing the Mikaelsons, Hayley, and Lya wouldn't lay a finger on the little girl. Luckily for the family, Vincent figured out a way to separate the Hollow from Hope.

He was going to split the spirit between the four Originals. However, there was a downside to this plan. The Mikaelsons would have to stay away from each other and Hope for the rest of their long lives. And to make matters worse Vincent had only told Lya this since Klaus would have trouble giving up his daughter.

However, when Lya found Klaus in Hope's room talks to the unconscious child, she knew she had to tell him the truth.

"Your a good dad, Klaus" she began "and you deserve the truth. There's something you need to know about the ritual. Vincent didn't want to tell because he didn't think that could go through it but I know that you will. I know that you'll do anything for her, even if it means never seeing her again"


Hours later Lya sat in the middle of all the Mikaelsons hold Hope. Vincent and Freya were setting everything up for the ritual and Hayley stood off to the side watching the event that was about to unfold before her.

"Kol right there," Vincent said directing the Mikaelsons where to stand. "Rebekah right there."

"What the hell are you doing here," Rebekah asked Marcel when he entered the compound and went to stand by Hayley. "You come to gloat?"

"No, I came to make sure this works," Marcel told her.

"Elijah, I need you right there at the top," Vincent said and Lya saw the sad look he shared with Hayley. "Klaus right there for me please." Lya turned away from her sister and looked at the man she loved but he avoided making eye contact with her. "Everybody ready?" Everyone stayed silent. "I just wanted to say what you guys are doing here today goes a long way towards setting things right in this city. The Hollow took everything away from me. It inspired nothing but sorrow, suffering, and torment. It ruined families. It's gone after little kids and yet here and now depict all of our differences and there are many, thank you. Freya."

"The savage Mikaelsons heroically defeating a great evil," Rebekah said "maybe this will finally earn us our redemption"

"Do any of us really believe that?" Klaus asked his siblings.

"No," Elijah said "Not for a minute. It's a wonderful sentiment."

"Lya, when I tell you to I want you to take the manacles off," Vincent said "hold on to Hope. Don't let her go. Everyone else when this spell is over you have to get away from each other and you have to stay away from Hope."

"Always and Forever," Rebekah said, "We had a good run."

"Yeah" Elijah agreed and Vincent began the spell. The wind began to pick up and blow leaves around.

"Do it now. Lya, do it now" Vincent said and Lya took the manacles off her daughter while he continued the spell. The Hollow was suddenly yanked out of Hope and split in between the Mikaelsons.

"I can hear it" Rebekah stated "Whispering"

"You guys need to go," Vincent told the originals. "NOW!"

Kol and Rebekah were the first to leave the compound. Elijah left after Hayley gave him a pointed look. Klaus however stayed.

"I need to know if she's alright," Klaus said watching Lya ran her fingers through Hope's hair.

"Klaus" Vincent said, "I promise you she's going to be okay as long as you go."

"It's an okay baby," Lya said as Hope began to wake. "You're okay."

"Mom" Hope let out an almost silent gasp as she set up and looked at Klaus. "Daddy, what's happening?"

"Hope, I love you," Klaus said before leaving the compound.

"Dad" Hope said realizing he was gone and getting worried "Dad! Dad!"

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