Chapter 61: Mikaelson Wedding

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In order to get the venue for Freya and Keelin's wedding, Klaus ended up compelling the woman the tan the place to cancel the wedding the was already planned. As so as that was handled Klaus and Lya noticed Rebekah had come to deliver the news from Davina about Hope.

"Rebekah," the pair asked.

"I spoke to Kol," she told them, "Davina says the dark magic is destroying Hope from the inside out. It's only a matter of time before it kills her."

"So how do we stop it," Klaus asked.

"There's nothing we can do" Rebekah answered

"How long," Lya asked trying to keep herself from breaking down.

"Weeks," Rebekah told them "Days, maybe hours. There's no way to tell."

Instantly Lya regrets even asking as she began to sob. Klaus pulled her into him and held as she cried. He was filled with worry for his daughter at the news that she was dying and know for a fact that losing Hope wouldn't end well for him.


Lya pulled herself together for the wedding. It best not to ruin the happiness with news of Hope's condition. So she stood silently between Marcel and Davina and smiled as Elijah and Klaus walked Freya down the aisle.

"What happened to your dress?" Freya whispered to Keelin.

"Are you kidding" Keelin whispered back "I'm not taking any chances."

"Dearly beloved" Kol began the ceremony. "Now not to make this all about me but we know how families work. Sometimes it dinner and sometimes it's daggers. Now I don't know why it takes something as special like this to wake us up, to make us aware of the beauty at the moment, to be grateful of what we have while we have it. I for one am grateful for today and I'm grateful for all of you. Keelin, when I first met you I would have never predicted that you would become my sister but your strong and beautiful and deserve nothing but the best in life." Kol went on to talk to Freya before having Hope hand over the rings. The two brides then exchanged their views. "Well by the power invested in me by a Franciscan monk in the thirteenth century and the by the internet a few hours ago just to be on the safe side, I now pronounce you married. You may both kiss the bride."

The two brides had their first kiss as a married couple. The rest of them began to clap for them and Hope cast a spell the caused rose petals to run down on them.


At the reception, Kol and Davina were out on the dance floor. Hope and Keelin were dancing together. Elijah was two pairs as they danced. Rebekah was off to the side talking with Marcel. And Lya and Klaus were watching Hope when Freya joined them.

"Oh thank," Freya said when a waitress offered her champagne. She took three glass and handed on to Lya before offering a second to Klaus. When. He didn't take it he noticed he was watching Hope. "Oh boy, what are you going to be like when she goes to prom?"

Both Klaus and Lya's faces dropped knowing she'd never get to go to prom. Before either could say anything, Hope collapsed and Keelin. Instantly the girl's parents headed over to her along with everyone else.

"Is she alright?" Klaus asked.

"I'm fine" Hope mumbled "I'm fine"

"My medical diagnosis is too much champagne," Keelin told her in-laws, wife, and friends.

"Oh yeah speaking of," Hope said taking Keelin's glass. "I would like to make a toast. This has been the best day ever and you know what. You guys got a thousand of years of moments like this one and being part of this one really made me feel like I'm part of always a forever too, so cheers."

"Cheers" the family chorused after her

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