Chapter 4: What Happens In The Bayou

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Lya, Hayley, and Rebekah had head out to the bayou to look into Hayley's family. That's when Tyler Lockwood showed, knocked Rebekah out, and kidnapped Lya and Hayley. Now the two girls sat on the floor of some shack as Tyler rambled on and on about how Klaus planned to use the baby to make more hybrids.

According to Tyler, since the baby was hybrid like its father, it to could create more hybrids allowing Klaus to build an army. Lya and Hayley looked at each other the whole time with concern. Neither would put it past him to use the baby for his own personal gain.

"Do you have any preference of this" Lya asked crossing her arms and glaring at the hybrid.

"See that's why I have you and Hayley" Tyler said grabbing a syringe and pulling Lya to her feet and drawing the baby's blood from Lya's stomach. He then let go of her and grabbed Hayley and injected the blood into her before breaking her neck.

"What the hell, Tyler" Lya shouted

"If my theory correct, she wakes up in a few hours," Tyler said, "when that happens she'll drink your blood and finish the transition."

"And if you're wrong, she died," Lya said "o you better run because I don't care how pregnant my ass is. I will find you and I will kill you."

Hours past and Hayley finally gasped awake saving Tyler from a crazed pregnant hunter. Instantly he made Hayley feed on Lya to finish the transition. He then instead of on killing Hayley, Lya, and the unborn child in order to keep Klaus from building an army.

Almost instantly some sort of sire bond kicked in and Hayley went on the defense to protect Lya and the baby. However, Tyler quickly got the upper hand and was about to rip her heart when a bright light filled the room. When the light faded, Tyler was unconscious on the floor and a certain archangel that was meant to be dead stood between Lya and Hayley.

"Gabriel" Lya gasped and the Trickster turned to her and smiled.

"Hey, Little Winchester" Gabriel said, "Miss me?"

"I was there died," Lya said, "I watched Lucifer kill you."

"Oh please it takes a lot more than my big bro to me," Gabriel said, "Now come on let's get you and Little Miss Hybrid out here before Lockwolf wakes up."

"Hold on, who are you?" Hayley asked turning to Lya "Who is he?"

"The Archangel, Gabriel" Lya told him "We can trust him."

"Now come on," Gabriel said, "Let's go find your blonde Original friend and get you all back home."

"Lya! Hayley!" Rebekah's shouting came right on cue.

"Oh good, there she is," Gabriel said letting Hayley lead the way out to Rebekah while the archangel stayed close to Lya.

"There you two are," Rebekah said when the trio meet the original before she saw Gabriel. "Who the hell is that?"

"Gabriel." Lya said, "he's an archangel that saved us and I guess a friend of mine."

"You guess," Gabriel said, "Girly, I got killed by my brother for you and yours."

"You mean you faked getting killed," Lya said, "because of Luci did kill you, three of the four of us would be dead right now."

Hey Guys, how'd you like Gabriel coming to the rescue? I was originally going to make it Cas because as I said he's Lya's guardian angel and all but at this point, he'd still be Emmanuel! Cas so he couldn't be the one to save her so I went with my favorite angel Gabriel. May Gabriel rest in peace.

~ Rynn

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