Chapter 54: Amulet

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After Marcel was dropped into the Chambre and revealed Hope was behind everything, it was quickly learned Freya was helping her. Once everyone calmed down and went back to searching for their keys, except for Kol who already found his.

"Any luck," Kol asked leaning against the door frame to the study while searched for her's.

"Nope," Lya told him rummaging through the desk draws. Kol stepped into the room and picked up a picture off the desk.

"What about this," the Youngest of the original brothers asked showing the picture to the girl. It was a picture of Hope and Jack on the day they first meet.


A few weeks had passed since Jack was born and Cas, Crowley, and Kelly died. The whole time, Lya had been away from the bunker helping kill all the vampires that escaped the Phoenix Stone so Rayna Cruz would give her last life to Bonnie. Final she was able to return to her brothers and nephew along with Hope.

"Hey boys" Lya called closing the bunker door as open ran down the stairs and hugged her uncle's.

"Hey kiddo," Dean said picking up Hope. "Hey, Sweetheart."

"Where's Jack" Lya asked her brothers.

"Back in his room", Sam told her in response.

Lya quickly left her brothers and daughter in the library and headed back to Jack's room. The door to the Nephilim's door was open but  Lya knocked to get Jack's attention.

"Hey Kid," Lya said "You may not know but..."

"Your my aunt Lya" Jack cut her off, "My mom told me about you before I was born. She said you'd protect me but you haven't been around for weeks since I was born."

"Sorry about that" Lya apologized moving to sit by him on the bed "A friend of mine need my help so that she wouldn't have to die but I promise to be here when you need me."

"Mommy, look what Uncle Dean gave me" Hope shouted running into the room to show Lya the amulet Sam once gave to Dean. "He said Uncle Sam gave it to him years ago and that he thought it was time to pass it on to me."

"That's great, Sweetheart" Lya said looking back to Jack who was watching Hope with curiosity on his face. "Jack this my daughter, Hope Mikaelson. Hope this is your cousin, Jack."

"Hi," Hope said holding out her hand to him.

"Hi," Jack said shaking her hand.

~End of Flashback~

"I know where Hope hides my key,"  Lya told Kol before running out of the room up to Hope's. As she opened Hope's jewelry box Kol caught up to her.

"How does that picture have anything to do with Hope's jewelry?" Kol asked as Lya removed everything to get to the bottom.

"Because on the day that picture was taken Hope meets her cousin Jack," Lya told him holding up the amulet and key "Which is also the day she got this amulet."

So I realized I didn't have any scenes between Jack and Hope or Jack and Lya or with Jack in general so I decided to incorporate memory of Jack, Hope, and Lya into being the hiding spot for Lya's key. Kol's part in this chapter was mostly so there was someone besides Lya in the present and a way to get Lya to look at the picture.

Love Y'all,


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