Chapter 49: Outside the Diner

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After days of researching at the bunker, Lya got a call from Caroline telling her that Hope had gone missing along with Roman Sienna. Caroline informed Lya that she had the entire tracking class looking for them and that after she informed Klaus that they'd met up with her.

It took Lya long then she would have liked to get on the road though. Both her brothers, Cas, and Jack all wanted to come with her but after some convincing, she managed to get them to all stay at the bunker.

After many hours of driving, Lya got to the diner she was meeting Klaus and Caroline at. Klaus was pacing in front of their car, worry written all over his face. Seconds later, Caroline exited from the diner with two cups of coffee. Instantly the blonde vampire waved her cousin over to join them.

"They just texted" Caroline stated handing Klaus his cup of coffee. "My tracking class should be zeroing in on them. We should have a location nailed down any minute."

"So what," Klaus said, "We just wait here a sip rancid diner coffee."

"Or you can think about what you'll both say when you see Hope," Caroline told them. "Or more importantly what you won't say. It'll be tempting to lash out but you'll regret it later"

"You know you have a lot to answer for," Klaus said, "and not just for losing my daughter."

"Klaus" Lya warned

"She not lost," Caroline said

"After all your harangue," Klaus said, "be a better father, become more engaged."

"I refute harangue," Caroline said "I am not a haranguer. I gave instructive advice"

"Which I heeded at my own peril," Klaus said. "And Hope didn't make it any easier."

"She's not eight years old anymore" Lya stated crossing her arms. "She doesn't have to look up to you now just because your her dad. You have to earn it."

"You know truth be told, it's been bloody awful," Klaus told her. "I mean it was bad enough when I had to keep my distance but now the desire to keep her close, to protect her, the constant worry. I've never known such pain."

Well congratulations," Lya smirked, "you just became a father."

"She still became a truant," Klaus said "Why? Why would she do this?"

"It's pretty basic" Caroline answered leaning against the car. "Some girls just like bad boys. The more sheltered they are the more likely it is."

"You say that like it's inevitable," Klaus said "It's not a rite of passage"

"For some girls, it is," Caroline told him as Lya pointed at herself and Caroline. "It was for us. If there was a bad boy within a five-mile radius we would find him."

"And somewhere even way to old for us" Lya added

"I'm sure some had the very pure intention," Klaus said understanding she was mostly talking about him.

"Maybe," the three of them all said as Care's phone buzzed.

"Oh, my tracking class failed," Caroline said looking at her phone. "But we do have her location."

"How," Klaus asked.

"Find my iPhone," Caroline said and Lya had feeling Hope most likely ditched her phone.

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