Chapter 17: Leaving

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Once Dahlia was gone, Lya had Hayley calling Jackson and tell him to be ready to get Hope our New Orleans tonight. Originally she had been completely against running but her encounter with Dahlia, Lya know the best thing for Hope was to get her away from Dahlia.

She planned to call her brothers and give them head up that Hayley, Jackson, and her would-be headed their way with Hope. She figured the safest place for her daughter now was the bunker. At least their she knew it would take Dahlia forever to get through the warding and lockdown protocols. And if the witch succeeds and got in, she has to deal with three Winchesters, a hybrid, a werewolf, and an angel.

"What happened," Elijah asked as he and Klaus entered the club to see the flowers that grow outside.

"Your pyscho aunt showed up" Lya almost shouted before remembering Hope was sleeping in her bassinet a few feet away.

"Why didn't you call us," Klaus asked.

"We tried," Hayley told him "but she took out all the werewolves outstanding like it was nothing. I pretty sure a cellphone tower wouldn't be that difficult for her."

"Well, in that case, you, three are coming back to the compound with me," Klaus said.

"Right let's take our daughter to the place Dahlia sent Josephine this morning," Lya said crossing her arms. "No, we'd be sitting ducks just like we will be here when that spell breaks. That's why we have to go."

"Jackson's out getting supplies" Hayley informed the brothers. "Then we're taking the wolves and we're held to the bayou."

"The swamp" Klaus said believing the lie Hayley just told him. "So my child can be protected by the very wolves that Dahlia so easily defeated. Absolutely not."

"You know I am so overtaken advice from you Klaus" Lya hissed "all it has done so far is put Hope in danger. From now I'm going to do what I want to do. We're leaving."

"You're not going anywhere unless I tell you to," Klaus said grabbing Lya's arm and spinning her around so she was facing him.

"I am not you prisoner, Klaus" Lya said and Hayley let out a gasp as her eyes flashed a vibrant purple for a brief second.

"Both of you please," Elijah said "Your playing into Dahlia's hand."

"Not doing as I say is playing into her hands" Klaus turned to his older brother.

"Klaus, your acting like Hope is only a Mikaelson," Lya said, "like Dahlia is the only threat that will come after her but you're forgetting she also a Winchester, she already cursed and I'll go back to hell before I willing let Dahlia get anywhere near her again."

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