Chapter 24: Hunters

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Soon after Klaus' sire, the link was broken it was revealed that Lucien had been the real threat the whole time. With Lucien, on a path of vengeance against Klaus, the original hybrid, Lya, and hopefully we're forced to run from New Orleans. After they were a safe distance from New Orleans, Lya convinced Klaus to stop at a bar, hunters hung out at between case.

"Well if it isn't the littlest Winchester" the bartender and Lya's step-uncle, Joseph Campbell, said seeing her with Klaus and Hope. "I'm guessing the little one is your daughter, Hope, but who's he?"

"My daughter's father," Lya said, "anyways you wouldn't mind us hanging around for a little while to take a break from driving."

"Of course," Joseph said "Anything for family"

"So how do you know him" Klaus questioned when Joseph went off to refill someone's drink.

"Joseph is Sam and Dean's uncle" Lya explained "Till I was fourteen he was a hunter but when the Harvelle's Roadhouse bowl up, he retired and opened his own place for hunters. Just don't mention being a vampire and we'll be fine"

"Well if it isn't Lya Winchester" a voice from done the bar caught Lya's attention. Lya smiled when she saw it was Jody and got up to hug the woman. "I was beginning to think you were dead seeing as you never with your brothers when they come to visit."

"I been busy," Lya said stepping back and mentioning to Hope.

"Sam mentioned something about having niece" Jody said letting Hope mess with her finger when Lya took the toddler from the stroller. "I just figured Dean was the one that became a parent. What's her name?"

"Hope," Lya said before pointing to Klaus "and that her father, Klaus Mikaelson."

"Well, what brings you three out here," Jody asked ignoring the obvious fact that Klaus was an original.

"Thousand-year-old sociopath wanting to kill Klaus," Lya said nonchalantly.

"So basically trouble following you like always" Jody stated.

"You could say that," Lya said right before Klaus excused himself to go call Elijah.

"So what's the deal with him," Jody asked. "Clearly he loves his daughter but I can't tell what his feelings are towards you."

"To him, I'm simply just the mother of his child," Lya said with a hint of distaste. "The only reason I'm still alive is so Hope has a mother."

"I don't think so," Jody said "If that was the case he'd be more hateful towards you. It's almost like he's covering how he really feels for you. I think you're doing the same."

"Please, the man compelled me to think his pyscho aunt kidnapped Hope and that I couldn't do anything about it," Lya told her. "I only tolerate him because I don't want Hope to end with only one parent or an orphan like I did."

"You say that but you and both know your just scared to get close to him," Jody said, "because every time you get attached to someone they end up..."

"Dead" Lya said,

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