Chapter 18: Cursed

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Even though they weren't keeping Hope hidden in the bayou, Lya, Hayley, and Jackson took her out there to say goodbye to the pack. As much as they didn't want to leave the pack behind they had to. If they took a pack of wolves to Kansas, Dahlia would easily discover where Hope had been taken. At least this way, they had a distraction that could buy them some extra time.

"Are you sure this is the best idea" Lya heard Mary ask Jackson as Hayley and he packed the car.

"No," Jackson told her "but Hayley and Lya are right. If we take Hope to Lya's brothers it would put a safe distance between her and Dahlia."

"Plus the Bunker has safeguards for pretty much everything," Lya said, "No supernatural creature can get in the place without my brother's permission."

"Good evening crescents," Klaus said showing up and breaking a werewolves neck. "It will come as no surprise to learn that things will not be ending well for you."

"Get Hope and Mary out of here," Jackson told Lya and Hayley "I'll be right behind you."

"We can help you, Jack," Hayley said

"Just get Hope and run," he told her. Hayley and Lya ran off leaving the wolves to deal with Klaus. Lya could hear what was going on behind the sisters.

"Screw this" Lya said spinning around and heading back. Hayley clearly understood what Lya meant and followed her back to attack Klaus.

"Enough" Dahlia said appearing beside Klaus.

"Why is she with you, Klaus" Lya asked.

"Unlike some, he doing what is best for his daughter" Dahlia stated

"I'm going to skin you alive" Hayley threatened but Dahlia through her arms up and instantly all the wolves were forced to turn including Hayley.

"What are you doing to them," Lya asked trying to help her sister.

"This" Klaus told her "This was my idea. Stealing from Marcel the Crescent curse, he once used on your pack. Dahlia was all too happy to make the necessary adjustments to accommodate your sister's hybrid nature. So now she will be trapped in wolf form except for the full moon giving her very little time to cause any further mischief and because of the unification ritual linking her to her pack, they will share her fate."

"Please don't do this Klaus" Hayley begged. "She's going to steal the baby."

"It was you and Lya who tried to steal my child," Klaus said, "and for that, you will suffer but just know what I have in store for Lya is much worse."

"And what would you have in store for me Klaus" Lya ask once the crescents had finished turning to wolves. In an instant, Klaus had Lya pinned to a tree.

"Dahlia won" Klaus compelled her "and took Hope. There was nothing you could do about, so in your heartbreak, you left New Orleans swearing to never return. You will move on with your life but you will never be able to forgive yourself for what happened to Hope."

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