Chapter 57: Rage of Darkness

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Lya spent hours away from the compound on the phone with Rowena. First, she had been feeling the witch in on Hope's current situation with the Hollow. Then the two went over how the Book of the Damned was probably the thing in all of existence that could possibly even hold the secret to getting rid of the Hollow for good. Finally, Rowena found the actual spell but refused to tell Lya what I actually involved until she got back to the States. Before Lya could even argue with her, the red-haired witch hung up.

Once Lya got back to compound it was dark. Inside was quiet, making it seem as if no one was home. However, when Lya wondering into the study, she found Klaus waking up on the floor after clearly being spelled.

"What happened?" Lya asked helping the original hybrid to his feet.

"Hope," Klaus told her "she was looking for something for a spell and knocked me."

"A spell for what," Lya asked

"I'm not sure," Klaus said "She just told me her bracelet wasn't working and then...Wait where have you been all day?"

"Talking with a witch that owes me a favor," Lya told him earning a questioning look. "Rowena MacLeod is the current owner of the Book of the Damned. The book can create and destroy all kinds of darkness. So I had her look for a way to get rid of the magic in Hope."

"Did she?" Klaus asked

"She says she did," Lya told him "but she refused to tell me what the spell involves and considering it's Book of the Damned magic it can't exactly be good."

"And your still willing to use it," Klaus asked

"It's better than the alternative" Lya answered. "I'd much rather deal with the consequences of using the book then watching my child suffer. Now let's find our daughter before she does something stupid."


Lya and Klaus found Hope at Rousseau's with Elijah and Declan. Declan was on the floor watching the two Mikaelsons. Hope and Elijah clearly didn't notice the human was awake seeing as Hope was busy attacking Elijah.

"Hope" the pair shouted in unison only for Hope to knock them down with a magical aneurysm. Hope looked between her parents and uncle for a second before running out of the bar. Seconds later Elijah, Klaus, Lya, and Declan all got back to their feet.

"What the hell was that?" Declan asked looking from Elijah to Lya.

"Um..." Lya began

"I'll talk to him" Elijah cut her off "You two go after Hope."


"What was that," Klaus asked Hope as he and Lya followed her into the compound. "You won't take our help, you reject the bracelet, you were throwing Elijah around."

"It stopped the voices" Hope stopped walking and turned to face her parents.

"What," Lya asked

"Ever since I took the power back," Hope said "the whispers. I can't think. I can't sleep. I can't even breath but right now it's silent. Is this going to be the rest of my life? A rage that can only be quieted by violence."

"Hope, if violence is what you need to feel better," Klaus said, "Then you have the perfect father."

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