Chapter 42: Salvatore Broading School

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A few weeks after expelling the Hollow from Hope, the new school year was about to start and since there were no Mikaelsons that need saving, Lya figured she could finally take Caroline up on her offer to enroll Hope in the Salvatore Boarding School.

"Hope" Lizzie and Josie shouted running over to their cousin and dragging her off to play with them when they saw Hope and Lya.

"Hey, Lya," Caroline said hugging her cousin. "How are you handling things?"

"Well my daughter is being forcefully separated from her father by an evil spirit," Lya said, "but for the most part I'm handling things better than Hope."

"She misses him," Caroline said "He's her dad and she can't see him anymore. We both know what that's like."

"Yeah but Klaus is still alive," Lya said, "That makes it worse for her."

"Well hopefully, being here with other kids will help," Caroline said, "Now while our girls play let's go through the paperwork."

A little while later, Lya had finished filling out all of Hope's school stuff and handed the papers back to Caroline. Caroline skimmed over it all quickly before filling it away.

"I see you put Winchester as her last name," Caroline said.

"Figure it would be best not to let the students know she's a Mikaelson," Lya said, "We'll just have to make sure Hope and the twins don't slip up."

"Fair point," Caroline said "We should also keep that bit of information from a teacher that doesn't know already. I mean Jeremy, Ric, Bonnie, and I are the only ones that know anyways."

"Mommy" Josie called from the other room. "Lizzie set the curtains on fire again."

"I did not" Lizzie shouted in return.

"Well, it wasn't me," Hope and Josie said in unison.

"Come on," Lya said getting up with Caroline and heading to the main room to see the scorched curtains. "Who put the fire out?"

"I did" Hope said raising her hand. "Lizzie and Josie couldn't remember the right spell."

"That was good, Hope," Caroline said, "but you three know your not suppose to do magic unsupervised."

"Sorry, Mommy" "Sorry Aunt Care" the twins and Hope spoke in unison.

"It's okay," Lya said kneeling in front of Hope. "You three just have to remember your all extremely powerful and don't have full control yet."

"Okay," the three girls responded.

"Now who wants to show Hope her room for the school year," Caroline asked the twins.

"Yeah" the twins chimed each taking one of Hope's hand and leading her upstairs while Lya and Caroline followed.

Starting in the next chapter I will be writing for Season 5 of The Originals so if you haven't seen it yet please don't read any further till you have. I don't want to be responsible for ruining the season for you.

~ Rynn

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