Chapter 47: Lose

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Once Hope revealed to parents where Hayley was hidden, Klaus and Lya grabbed Freya and went to the church to retrieve the hybrid. Due to Hope's cloaking spell and sleeping spell, they need Freya's help to wake Hayley. However, when they got to the church the trio discovered the worse. The room the coffin that held Hayley was in was trashed and the coffin itself had been destroyed. The only good thing was that the blood that was in the room wasn't just from Hayley but from her kidnapper as well.

After making this discovery, Freya went off on her own try a tracking spell. Meanwhile, Klaus and Lya headed back to the compound to inform Hope of the news.

"Hope, we went to the church to get your aunt" Klaus began telling the fifteen-year-old. "She wasn't there."

"What?" Hope asked in shock. "I protected her. I wrote the perfect clocking spell. I don't understand the coffin was just empty."

"The coffin was destroyed," Klaus said, "Whatever happened to your aunt didn't go down without a fight." Hope began looking around the room as panic set in and both her parents step closer to her. "I know it wasn't your intention for anyone to get hurt. I know you did this because I left you with no choice." Klaus paused long enough to put his hand on Hope's shoulder. "Sweetheart, look at me. This is my fault. I'm gonna fix it. Your mother has spoken to Alaric, you'll go back to Mystic Falls tonight." Hope suddenly bang coughing and Lya quickly moved to her daughter's side and placed her hand on the girl's back. "What is it?"

"Hope," Lya said as Hope falls to her knees and both her parents kneeled beside her. Within seconds a snake slithered out of the girl's mouth. "Klaus, you have to go."

"I'll find aunt," he told his daughter. "And I swear I'll return her to you. I love you."


A few hours later after Hope left for the Salvatore School with Roman, Lya stood out on the balcony. The young hybrid, Henry, had been killed even after everything Marcel did to keep the boy from being killed. Lya had spent the past few hours comforting Lisina over the lose of Henry and had only just got back from the bayou.

"I don't bite" Lya spoke when she felt Klaus' presence behind her.

"Now that's a lie, Love" Klaus started moving out on to the balcony beside the mother of his child. "Marcel informed me that Hope's hybrid has been murder. How is she handling it?"

"She was there when the body was found," Lya told him "She's tough though so I have a feeling that with a bit of time she'll be fine."

"And how are you doing?" Klaus asked.

"I watched my daughter cough up a snake" Lya stated "after informing her that her aunt, my sister, was kidnapped. I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't scared. I'm scared I'm going to lose my sister or Hope or..."

"Or what," Klaus asked as she trailed off.

"Anyone else" Lya lied not wanting to admit what she was really going to say.

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