Chapter 26: The Fall

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Soon after Cami's death, Lucien died as well but it wasn't soon after that Marcel got the same power as Lucien had. In a rage of vengeance for Elijah ripping his heart out, Marcel bite Kol and Elijah and had Freya poisoned. With no choice left the removed the dagger from Rebekah's and got her to reason with Marcel while the rest of the family worked on finding some kind of cure for the four doomed Mikaelsons.

Eventually, the came up with a plan to link Freya, Kol, Rebekah, and Elijah's lives to Klaus in order to by Lya and Hayley enough time to find the three different cures need to save them. Klaus, of course, had to turn himself over to Marcel and manage to stay alive for the plan to work.

"Klaus it's too dangerous to let me come with," Lya said walking into the room at Lucien's loft where Hope was in her play pin.

"I think not," Klaus said "Besides I'm the one they want. Some time ago I refused to trust you with our daughter. I took you from Hope. I was wrong. Take care of her."

With that Klaus left Lya alone with their daughter. For a moment she stood there in shock at his apology.

"Klaus waits," Lya said running after. She managed to catch him in the hallway. The original stopped and looked at her questioningly. "Okay this is crazy but I have no idea when I'm going to get another chance to tell you and it's going to drive me crazy if I don't..."

"Lya, your babbling" Klaus caught her off.

"Right sorry" Lya apologize "Okay so it's been pointed out to me that I may not hate you like I pretend to and it's true. I don't hate you even though I should considering all the shit you've put me through since we met. I guess what I'm trying to say is somewhere along the line you went from being a one night stand and the father of my child to someone I care about and maybe even possibly love."

"And you choose now to tell," Klaus said, "You know you have terrible timing for things like this."

"Oh, I'm sorry if I trouble admit when I care about someone" Lya almost shouted in frustration. "If you haven't realized I don't like getting attached to people since they always end up de..."

"You talk too much, Love" Klaus said cutting off by kissing her.


Lya helped Hayley load the coffins of the four Mikaelson into the truck as quickly as possible. They need to get out of New Orleans as soon as possible. They already planned to split up. Lya would find a cure for Freya and Rebekah using Men of Letters resources. Meanwhile, Hayley would collect the venom of all seven werewolf packs so Freya could make a cure for Kol and Elijah.

"Okay call me as soon as you get to the bunker," Hayley told her sister before kissing her niece's forehead.

"I know Hayley, we've gone over this a thousand times," Lya said making sure Hope was buckled into her car seat. "Don't worry we'll be fine."

"I know. I know" Hayley said. "It's just after the whole Demon Dean thing and him still having the Mark of Cain, it worries me that you two could be there if he goes all night of hell again."

"Well if Dean shows any sign of going all Demon again," Lya said "I promise to get Hope out of there and go visit Carol in Dallas. Now you are safe."

"I will," Hayley said quickly hugging her sister. She then waved goodbye to Hope and the two sisters part ways.

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