Chapter 43: A Father's Daughter

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Seven years had passed since the Hollow had been separated from Hope and the Mikaelsons went there separate ways. Lya had taken a job at Caroline's School and was currently with her cousin in France on business when she got the call from Ric.

"Hey, Ric" Lya said answering her phone and Caroline looked over to Lya. "I get the feeling this isn't a social call."

"You'd be right," Ric told the vampire. "It's about Hope."

"What did she do this time," Lya asked

"She sold her blood to Henry Benoit so he could become a hybrid" Ric explained, "I've had to suspend them both and called Hayley to come to get her since your currently in France."

"Thanks for letting me know, Alaric," Lya said knowing as soon as she got off the phone with him she'd call Hayley and have her tell Hope she grounded for the next century.

"Um before you go" Alaric kept her from hanging up. "I think it's best you call Klaus and tell him about this."

"I'd love to but Klaus is currently not taking any of my calls," Lya told him "He hasn't been for the past three almost four years."

"Well he's rumored to be on a killing spree in France right" Ric stated, "It's most likely true knowing him, so I'd suggest following the bodies till you stumble across him."

"Don't worry I will?" Lya said looking at Caroline. "Tell the twins Care and I said hey."

"Will do," Ric said before ending the phone call.

"So we're Klaus hunting," Caroline said as Lya replaced her phone in her pocket.

"It looks that way," Lya said before the pair headed out to search for the hybrid. After a few hundred bodies the cousins finally came across Klaus in the middle of the slaughtering a family.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size," Caroline said vamp speeding to Klaus and pinning him to the wall.

"Hello Loves," Klaus said


"It's a pity," Klaus said watching the pair of cousins as they covered the bodies of his victims. "I thought there'd be more of them."

"Trying to break your own record," Lya asked

"At the moment I'm trying to not flatter myself that you're here on a sudden whim to see me" Klaus smirked and Lya rolled her eyes. "Why are you. Surely the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted needs it's Headmistress and Councilor across the phone call."

"Lya got a phone call," Caroline said, "and apparently you don't answer your phone anymore."

"So you came all this way to help Lya," Klaus said.

"Actually we were already in France for work when Alaric called me," Lya said as Klaus turned away from her. "Turns out that our daughter has started her own drug dealing business but instead of it being drugged she's selling it's her blood. You know her magic hybrid making blood."

"She what," Klaus said spinning on his heels to face the mother of his child.

"Hope sold her blood to one of the Crescent kid so he could become hybrid," Lya said, "It got both of them to suspend and now Hayley is going to have to deal with the consequences."

"What Lya is trying to say is," Caroline said, "It's that you haven't talked to Hope in five years and she's been acting ever since to get you to at least call and let her know that still care even about whatever the hell happened between the two of you happened."

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