Chapter 8: Salvation

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Lya came to on a hospital floor with the reaper, Tessa standing over. She confused but not by Tessa being there. No, it was the fact that she was in the hospital when she died in the church that confused her.

"Oh, I'm not here to take you" Tessa informed, "Death just really likes you Winchesters and sent me to keep you company while we wait for you to wake as a vampire."

"What?" Lya asked becoming even more confused by the reapers statement.

"You died with the baby's blood in you Lya" Tessa explained "It's just a matter of hours before you wake up. Now for the meantime let's take a trip down memory lane, shall we"

Instantly, a thirteen-year-old Lya appeared crawled up next her dad in a hospital bed. John's arm was broken from the car crash the four Winchesters had just been in but the younger Lya was left completely unscratched. Lya remembered the doctors saying it was a miracle that she was unharmed since she took the most impact.

"Dad, Dean's gonna be okay right," Lya asked, "I don't think Sammy could survive to lose him this soon after losing Jess."

"Jellybean, your brother's going to be fine," John said kissing her head "I promise."

The scene shifts again and this time Lya was twelve and hang onto Dean's arm as the two of them stood across from Sam and Jessica. It had been the first time Lya had ever been jealous about having her not being the only girl in the room her brothers paid attention to.

"Jess this is my brother Dean, and sister, Lya," Sam said, "and this is my girlfriend Jessica."

"Hi," Lya said

"What are you two doing here anyways," Sammy asked

"Dad's on a hunting trip," Dean told him "and he hasn't called in a few days."

Once again the scene changed and Lya found herself in what the angels called their greenroom. Across from was the brother she never really got to know Adam. She'd meet him once or twice when John would visit the boy but most of the time he'd leave her with Dean.

"Funny meeting you here, Adam," Lya said sarcastically though she knew exactly why they were there. The angels planned to use them as back up vessels for Michael and Lucifer.

For a third time, the scene shift and Lya found herself in Mystic Falls High School with Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie as they were setting up a prank on Senior Night.

"How was your summer anyways, Lee" Elena asked.

"Two of my brothers got locked in hell with a couple of pyscho archangels," Lya told her nonchalantly "so it wasn't the best but it could have been much worse."

"Okay, you act Sam and Adam being in hell isn't a big deal," Caroline said, "I mean sure you and Dean did it that one time and so did Uncle John but you three didn't get trapped with Satan in the most literal sense."

The scene shift on last time and Lya found herself standing in the church where she died. Tessa stood beside still but in front of her was a dad.

"Dad" Lya rushed forward and wrapped her arms around him. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too, Babygirl," John said hugging her back "and your brothers."

"What are you doing here?" She asked him.

"Death allowed him time to say goodbye," Tessa told him.

"Yeah, I really didn't get to at the hospital," John said brushing her hair out of her face. "Your so beautiful just like your mother and have no doubt your daughter won't be just as beautiful."

"I wish you could meet you," Lya told him "mom and Bobby but your all gone and she never gonna get to meet her grandparents."

"But she'll have you and your brothers to tell her stories," John said "and all she really needs to know is that she loved and has a better life then her mom and dad did. Oh and never let her forget that her existence brought her entire family hope"

"My childhood wasn't bad," Lya said, "Wait are you okay with me becoming a vampire?"

"I'm proud of you," John said "and you'll always be my daughter even if you're not human anymore. "

At that moment Lya gasped awake on the church floor, alone and covered in her own blood.

Writing this made me cry. Did anyone cry reading this? Oh and yes John just technically named his granddaughter.

~ Rynn

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