Chapter 6: Family Don't End In Blood

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Marcel had discovered Lya's pregnancy with Klaus' child and had pledged his allegiance to the hybrid. This gave the Mikaelsons back the compound so Klaus quickly moved his siblings, Lya, and Hayley into the place.

For days Lya felt uncomfortable at the compound. As much as she hated her father's perspective on the supernatural having all these vampires around her all the time was starting to irritate her.

"Have you told your brothers about the baby yet?" Hayley asked sitting across from Lya as Marcel rushed in and over to Klaus.

"Nope," Lya told the young hybrid. "Don't have any idea how to tell them their niece is a magical miracle tribrid baby, let alone a Mikaelson."

"Well you have to tell them eventually," Hayley said, "It's not like their not going to notice you have a kid for the rest of your life."

"I'm not planning on hiding it from them for the rest of my life," Lya said "just four more months. Thataway all I have to do is introduce them to their niece."

"That seems a little..." Hayley began only to be cut off by Lya's phone ringing.

"Speaking of the devils," Lya said answering the phone. "Hey Sammy, what's going on"

"Lya, it's Bobby," Sam told her and instantly Lya was on her feet.

"What happened?" Lya asked, "Is he okay?"

"He's dead," Sam said and the phone fall from Lya's hand as the tears began to fall. Bobby had been the closet thing, she had to a father after John died.

"Hey Sam" Hayley picked up the phone "I'll have her call you back when she calms down"

After hanging up, Hayley wrapped her arms around Lya. She heard the whole conversation and as Lya's best friend know how much Bobby meant to the three Winchesters. The man had been a better father to them then their actual father, who's own death had a strong impact on Lya, so she couldn't imagine what this was doing to her friend.

"What happened?" Rebekah asked walking into finding the two girls.

"Someone who was basically her father just died," Hayley told her running a hand through Lya's hair.

After Lya called Sam and Dean back and heard what happened to Bobby, she asked them to come to New Orleans. She decided she needs to tell them about their niece before the Leviathans got a chance to kill them as well. After some convincing, she managed to convince Klaus to let her meet them at Rousseau's.

"Hey kiddo," Dean said hugging her before Sam did.

"How have you been?" Sam asked as they all sat down.

"For the most part, I've been good," Lya said, "but I didn't call you guys here to catch up."

"I figured as much" Dean said "You don't do catching up"

"Dean" Sam glared at the oldest Winchester before turning back to his baby sister. "What are you want to talk about?"

"I'm pregnant," Lya said "and I wasn't planning on telling you till after she was born because of who her dad is. However, Bobby's death put things into perspective for me and I had to tell you."

"Wow," Dean said looking at sister in shock. "Um, how exactly?"

"Dean, I'm not the person to be giving you the birds and bees" Lya jokingly said earning a scolding look from Sam. "I down a bottle of Scotch with the original hybrid, Klaus Mikaelson and five months later here we are. Oh and before you get into it was stupid to sleep with a supernatural creature, let me remind you of Ruby and Anna"

"Okay that's different," Sam said

"Not really," Lya said, "I mean sure neither of you ends up pregnant with a magical miracle  baby but sleeping with angels or demons is just as bad as sleeping with any other monster maybe even worse."

"Okay fine" they gave in.

"Still don't like this though" Dean mumbled

"Sorry princess can't help you there," Lya said, "I just wanted my brothers to know about their niece."

"Any idea when your due," Sam asked

"May 2nd," Lya told him "So if I don't call and tell you happy birthday you know why."

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