Chapter 48: Research

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The Men of Letters bunker had books on everything in the Supernatural world. Even with all the hunters that lived in the bunker now, it had never been impossible to find what one was looking for. So logical, Lya believed that somewhere among all the books and scrolls there had to be something that could help locate Hayley. But even after days of searching, the Winchester girl came up with nothing.

"How can there be nothing?" Lya sighed in frustration placing yet another book in her pile of uselessness.

"Hey, you just haven't found the right book yet," Sam said had booked to the pile while he helped his sister.

"Sammy, I just went a hundred different grimoires" Lya stated "and I found absolutely nothing. Freya had gone through every single Mikaelson Grimoires plus all of Dahlia's and has found nothing. Every single witch, vampire, and werewolf in New Orleans had come up with nothing, so it's fair to assume even the Men of Letters has nothing"

"What about the Book of the Damned" Dean suggested looking up from his laptop and taking a drink of his beer. "If it can remove the Mark of Cain and summon satin, it most likely has away to track down someone hidden by a cloaking spell."

"I don't think Rowena would be willing to help," Lya remarked "She doesn't exactly like Hayley. Also, I think she's still in Greece."

"She is" Charlie, from the alternate universe, called from the other room.

"What about Chuck?" Sam asked.

"Like he'd answer" Dean and Lya spoke in unison.

"No one's heard from him or Amara in a decade" Lya continued "and before you suggest Letha, she's already given me everything she knows"

"Okay, so our only option is either beg Rowena to help and wait for her to get back from Greece" Sam listed off the option "Pray to Chuck and hope that he actually answers, or continue going through books till something helpful comes along."

"All of which suck" Lya added grabbing another book and opening it.

Sorry, It short.

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