Chapter 27: Charlie

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Months after the fall of the Mikaelsons, Lya and Hope had gotten used to living in the bunker. Currently the Winchesters we're busy looking for a way to remove the Mark of Cain from Dean's arm. For the past couple of days, Lya and her daughter had been alone at the bunker while the boys were out helping their friend, Charlie, and Cas was off getting his grace back from Metatron.

"Lya we're back" Sam called as Lya heard the bunker door open and close. "Or at least Cas and I are. Dean and Charlie went to get food."

"Okay" Lya shouted back "I'll be out once I get Hope dressed."

The youngest Winchester turned back to her daughter and wrapped a towel around her as she got her out of the bath. She quickly headed back into Hope's and got her dressed before heading out to the library.

"We're back Bitches" Lya heard a female voice stated as the door opened and closed again. "Wow is that who I think it is?"

"Charlie, Cas" Sam said not notice when Lya entered the room with Hope as he was watching Charlie hug Cas. "Cas, Charlie."

"I thought you'd be shorter," Charlie said earning a laugh from Lya which in turn got Hope to giggle. Charlie admittedly turned to Lya and the toddler. "You must be Sam and Dean's sister, Lya."

"Yep," Lya said shift Hope from one hip to the other. "And this Hope."

"Well I better get these to the fridge," Sam said grabbing the beers Charlie seat on the table.

"Heard you got your mojo back," Charlie said turning to Cas.

"Yes my grace" Cas said, "it's been restored."

"So can't you know just cure Dean," Charlie asked.

"Unfortunately it's not that simple," Cas said.

"Never is, is it," Charlie said. "Do think you could do anything about my carpal tunnel?" Cas placed to fingers to her forehead. "Is that it?"

"Your Carpal tunnel and your bullet wound are now healed," Cas told her. "You may want to continue wearing your wrist brace at night."

"Did we just become best friends?" Charlie asked punching Cas in the arm.

"Hey look who decided to show," Dean said entering the bunker. "So your back, hundred percent. How'd that happen?"

"Um, it was Hannah," Cas told him as Sam returned to the library. "She managed to get the location of my grace out of Metatron."

"Awesome" Dean said looking at Sam, "I told you were do for a win. It's good to have you back pal. Lya, how was your weekend?"

"Terrible Two" was Lya said glaring at her brother.

"And she worse you were," Dean said taking his niece from his sister.

"Yeah well you and Sam are on baby Mikaelson duty for the next week," Lya said, "Momma needs sleep."

"Aw come on, she can't be that bad," Charlie said and the three Winchesters and angel just stared blankly at her. "What? She just a baby."

"She's always part witch, part werewolf, and part vampire," Sam told her "and apparently takes more after her father."

"Seriously, Lya we need to talk about your taste in men," Dean said

"Sure, we can do that once we talk about your taste in women" Lya fired back.

"She's got you their Deano," Charlie said high fiving Lya.

"It was a bad idea introducing them," Dean told Sam.

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