Chapter 38: Hope

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The morning after the Mikaelsons were reunited, the five siblings and Hayley seat out on the porch while Lya got Hope ready for the day. For the most part, the seven-year-old seemed excited to finally be able to meet her dad, aunts, and uncles but Lya knows the second she saw them she'd to shy away.

As Lya walked her daughter done stairs and to the door, she heard the arguing. Kol and Freya wanted to put an ocean between the family and Marcel as soon as possible. Elijah and Rebekah were taking how the sudden change would effect Hope into consideration. Klaus only wants to spend on the day with his daughter before they made any changes to her life. Yep, it was the perfect moment to introduce Hope to the originals.

"Everybody look who's awake," Lya said opening the door and placing her hand on Hope's back.

"Hello" Hope spoke shyly as they all watched her.

"Hello" Klaus responded calmly with a slight smile.

"Mom" Hope said looking back at Lya. "Can I go play in the garden?"

"Yeah, sure," Lya told her and the child quickly ran off the porch and into the garden where she couldn't be seen. Klaus watched Hope for second before looking back at Lya. "She's shy around new people. Give her a minute to calm down and then go talk to her."

"What if she runs off again," Klaus asked

"She was overwhelmed by meeting all five of you at once," Hayley said, "She won't run away from you."


A little while later Klaus joined Hope in the garden where they talked. Shortly after Klaus carried his child back into the house before Hope leads him up to her room to show him, her drawing.

"Hi momma," Hope said when she noticed Lya leaning against her doorframe watching her and Klaus.

"Showing dad your drawings," Lya asked stepping into the room.

"Yep" Hope nodded as Lya stepped into the room and kissed her forehead.

"She really good," Klaus told you flipping through one of Hope's sketchbooks.

"She gets it's from you," Lya said smiling at her daughter. "Hope, Aunt Hayley has your lunch ready downstairs."

"Okay," Hope said getting to her feet and running from the room.

Later that night Klaus sat by the fire going through his daughter's drawings. Lya had put Hope to bad an hour ago and was now cleaning up in the kitchen.

"Dad" Hope said getting Klaus attention as she entered the room. "I think somethings wrong." She mumbled as Klaus walked over to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. "I had a dream about a bad man. He was hurting these kids and I think he hurt me too. I feel dizzy and my head hurts."

"Lya" Klaus called into the kitchen. "It's okay"

"Mom, I'm so cold," Hope told Lya as she ran into the room and kneeled front of the child and pulled her into a hug.

"She freezing" Lya told Klaus before shouting upstairs. "Hayley, get done here."

"What's wrong," Freya asked as she and Elijah entered the room soon followed by Hayley.

"I have no idea but her skins like ice," Lya said.

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