Chapter 29: Chuck

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A year after the Mark of Cain had been removed from Dean's arm, Lya was still in Dallas. With the Darkness on the lose it was best for Lya and Hope to stay away from Sam and Dean. At the moment, Lya was heading to the park with Hope to meet Caroline and the twins, when suddenly she and her child were standing in a bar.

"What the hell," Lya asked looking around as she picked up Hope. Admittedly her eyes lead on the man watching her and she instantly recognized him as the prophet, Chuck Shurley. "Chuck?"

"Oh right, you still believe you're just a Winchester," Chuck said realizing why she was so confused and placed two fingers to her forehead. Instantly thousands of memories of former lives returned to Lya's head.  Most of them blurred together but what stuck out the most was the first and only one that matter, the one where she was the fifth Archangel.

"You know if my four-year-old daughter wasn't here, I would kill" Lya threatened Chuck knowing for a fact he was God. "I mean seriously throwing me out of heaven for siding with Lucifer wasn't bad enough you cursed me to be reborn over and over again."

"I had no choice" Chuck tried to defend himself "You were becoming more and more like Amara and I couldn't throw you in the cage with Lucifer, that would have only made things worse."

"You could have just let me die" Lya offered "Do you know how many times I've been killed by Cain. Every single life."

"I keep reincarnating you because I know eventually you become good," Chuck told her "Okay I'm sorry but I wasn't going to let my daughter die and I know you just need people like Sam and Dean to guide you down the right path. Plus" he gestured to the child that hides her face in the shoulder "if I hadn't reincarnated you, you wouldn't have Hope."

"Fine but you still a big dick then Michael and Lucifer combined," Lya said shifting Hope to her other hip. "Now why am I here."

"Amara may have found out you were no longer in heaven and was going after you" Chuck shrugged "Figured it was best to hide you and my granddaughter in the place she couldn't find you. You'll be safe here with me."

"You realize she wants you dead too," Lya said, "or have you forgotten you looked her up literally forever."

"I haven't forgotten," Chuck said bluntly "I will never forget."

"Then why are you ignore her" Lya asked "I mean sure she can kick your ass especially since Gabe and Raphael are dead, Michael's in the Cage, Lucifer will be a dick and refuse to help, and well I'm graceless and pretty sure my grace is also in the cage but you know you could try talking to her."

"You would prefer to rip my head off then talk," Chuck said before a scolding tone filled his words. "And I'm not ignoring my sister, Lyanna. I am simply choosing to give her what she wants."

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