Chapter 25: Goodbye Cami

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After learning Lucien had bitten Cami, Klaus, and Lya head back to New Orleans. They tried everything they could to save their friend, only to have everything fail. While everyone waited to be told she was gone, Lya sat next to Hayley with Hope writing to Elena.

Dear Elena,

I know it's been a little while since I've written but things have been crazy here with the Mikaelsons. First Klaus' sire line was broken, which is actually a good thing for all our friends but in turn, caused all his enemies to come at him hardcore. That lead to him and me taking Hope on the run only to discover that Klaus' first sired vampire, Lucien had been working on a way to not only make himself more powerful than an original but to also make an incurable werewolf bite using the venom of all seven packs.

Klaus and I were forced to return to New Orleans after Lucien bites our friend Cami. As I am writing this Klaus is with Cami as the rest of us wait for her to find peace. It sucks to think that Hope is never going to meet the woman who did so much for her family. It even sucks that you and the rest of the gang never got to meet her either.

I wish there was something I could do to save her. Cami is one of the main reasons I've survived my life with the Mikaelsons. I never thought I could lose two of my closest friends so close together but your gone and there's no saving her. I can only hope that where ever Cami ends up she with her brother and uncle.

Love you,
L. Winchester

As Lya finished writing, Davina ran into the compound to find all of Cami's friends looking defeated at the sudden loss.

"Marcel" Davina said getting the vampire's attention. Instantly Marcel got up and hugged her.


Slow everyone went up to say their goodbyes to Cami after Klaus left the room. Once everyone else had gone, Lya hand Hope over to Hayley and made her way up to the room were Cami was.

"You know I've been thinking," Lya told the corpse of her friend "How my little girl's not going to get to know you. It's not fair, considering everything you did for me and for her dad. You know some times I can't stand him but I always figured if he liked you he couldn't be that bad. This family owes you. You deserved so much better. God, I wish I could talk to about everything that happened while Klaus and I were on the run. Maybe you could tell me what to do about the way I feel for him but now I can never talk to you about anything again. I hope where ever you are you're at peace."

With that, she pulled the blanket up to cover, Cami's face before taking a step. She quickly wiped away her tear and took a deep breath before leaving the room.

"You're a fucking asshole, you know," Lya said as Death appeared in front of her. "She didn't deserve to die like this."

"It was Camille O'Connell's time," Death told her "There is nothing you, your friends, or I could do about it. Only your Father could have saved her from this fate."

"Father?" Lya question having absolutely no idea what Death was talking. "What are you talking about?"

"Let's just say Gabriel didn't exactly tell you the truth two years ago," Death said before vanishing leaving Lya alone in the hallway.

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