Chapter 19: Blood Red Wedding

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After losing her daughter to Dahlia, Lya returned to Mystic Falls. At the moment she needed her friends for a support system and not the originals. She also promised she'd make it to Alaric's wedding and she'd didn't plan to go back on that promise any time soon.

"Lya, you didn't have to come," Alaric told the vampire when he saw her.

"Ric, I promised you when you told me you were getting married that I'd be here" Lya stated "That's one promise I'm not going back on. Plus being here distracts me for the fact that my daughter is the prisoner of a psychotic bitch and there's nothing I can do about it."

"Bonnie and I said we'd help you find a way to save Hope," Ric told her "and you know neither of us will break that promise."

"And when they do find a way," Damon said joining the conversation. "I'll gladly rip the witch's throat out for you."

"Damon, that's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me," Lya said, "but I did like to personally send Dahlia to hell so I'll be the ripping her throat out."

The ceremony at Ric and Jo's wedding was beautiful or at least it had been right up to the point where Kai stabbed Jo and her unborn twins to death. The next thing he did was send the guest flying across the room.

When Lya finally came to she couldn't find any of her friends. What she did find was unsettling. Kai Parker had become one of Lily's Heretics and the whole Gemini coven was dying around her.

"It's Lya right," Kai asked seeing. "Bonnie and Damon talked about you a few times in the prison world. Something about you was a hunter, got knocked up with a tribrid baby, and then became a vampire."

"So then you know I can kill your sociopathic ass" Lya threatened and Kai took a step towards her.

"But if you do that, you be killing the one person that knows what wrong with Elena," Kai said, "Go ahead and call Damon if don't believe me."

Lya used her vamp speed to get out of the room before she even attempted to call Damon.

"Thank God" Lya sighed in relief when her friend answered. "Is Elena okay?"

"The doctor's say she fine except for the fact that she won't wake up,"  Damon told her sounding confused "How'd you know something was wrong?"

"I just talked to Kai," Lya said before explaining to Damon what Kai told her.

At the end of the day the entire Gemini coven, including Kai and Jo, was dead. Tyler was once again a werewolf and the gang failed to wake up Elena. However, they did discover that for as long as Bonnie was alive Elena would be asleep but would stay young and in good health.

Once a few days had passed, everyone gathered at the Salvatore house to say their goodbyes to Elena. First up to say of course was Elena's three best friends, Bonnie, Caroline, and Lya.

"Promise me one thing," Elena said as they finished up their goodbyes. "Write it all done, so that when I wake up I can read all about my best friends lives and it will be like I was there."

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