Chapter 34: Epic

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Apparently, people from the gang Mystic Falls past weren't the only one that came back from the dead. While on her way to help the others deal with Katherine after hand Hope over to Hayley, Lya got ambushed by a bunch of demons. She fought off what she could but there were too many.

Then as she was about to be taken down, they were suddenly all through away at vamp speed. Instantly they were replaced by a familiar blonde vampire from New Orleans.

"Cami" Lya shouted hugging her friend. "Oh my God your really here."

"For now, I have till you and your friends kill Katherine," Cami said, "Then I'll hopefully go to where Sean and Uncle Kieran are."

"I wish you could stay," Lya said "Hayley and I could use your help saving the Mikaelsons and Hope would love to meet you."

"I'd love to meet her too," Cami said, "but we both know my time is limited."

"Crap they're coming back," Lya said seeing the demons were returning.

"Go, help your friends," Cami told her "I'll deal with these guys."

"Here," Lya said handing Cami the angel's blade she had on her before hugging her again. "We'll meet again, someday Cami"

"I know we will" Cami stated, "Now go."

Lya didn't get to the brothers fast enough. When she got there Damon was passed out on the floor from being turned human and Stefan was dead. Her first concern was waking up Damon and making sure he was okay.

"Oh, what happened," Damon asked as he came to.

"Stefan gave you the cure" Lya explained, "and took out Katherine himself."

"Stefan" Damon spoke in a saddened tone as he moved to his brother's body "He should have let me do this."

"Old habits die hard," Lya said "I'll call Care and tell her. It'll probably be better coming from me."

Lya stood outside the Salvatores crypt waiting for Caroline and Damon to finish their goodbyes to Stefan. As she was waiting for Bonnie walked into the graveyard with Elena.

"Oh my God," Lya said rushing forward to hug her friend. "Bonnie did it. She brought you back."

"Yeah," Elena said hugging Lya as the crypt doors open and Caroline came out to see Elena. Soon Damon followed the blonde out his eyes admittedly landing on the girl he loved and Elena rushed forward and kissed him. A little while later the four girls seat together outside the crypt and Elena spoke to Caroline. "I need you to know, Stefan said something to me before we parted. He heard  you and he said he will love you forever too."

"He got my message," Caroline said and Elena nodded. The four girls just seat there and hugged as they waited for the guys to show up. They had a memorial for Stefan before heading back to the house.

The next day everyone was gathered in the living explaining the last few years to Elena as they waited for Jeremy to com toe see his sister. Lizzie and Josie seat on the floor in front of everyone playing as the friends talked.

"Oh Lya tells Elena about you and Klaus," Caroline said.

"Hold you and Klaus" Elena gasped in shock.

"I may have confesses that love him before he got held prisoner by Marcel" Lya shrugged. "It's no big deal."

"No big deal," Elena said "Your in love with an original."

"Well she already had his kid," Hayley said entering the room, Hope. Hayley then turned to Caroline. "Caroline, I know we never really got along but if you need to talk to someone who gone through this you have my number."

"Thanks, Hayley" Caroline said with a sad smile. For a little there was silence. Then sudden opening and closing of the front door caught the two vampires and Hybrid's attention and seconds later Jeremy entered the room.

"Jeremy" Elena said jumping up and hugging her little brother.

Maybe things didn't turn out as planned but after all these years things were good and though they would have preferred a different outcome they were okay with how it ended.

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