Chapter 52: The Funeral: Part 2

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Later that night, Lya, Hope, and Freya headed out to the bayou to join the Crescents in burning Hayley's remains. Marcel, Vincent, and Josh would be joining them and Klaus had stopped by earlier to say his goodbyes. Taking a look around at all of Hayley's loved ones, Lya saw Keelin walk through the crowd.

"Freya" Lya said nudging her friend.

"Keelin," Freya said seeing the werewolf. Keelin hugged Freya the second she got to the witch.

"I got the on the plane as soon as heard," Keelin said cutting Freya from whatever she was about to say. Freya then kissed her before hugging her again.

Lya looked over at Hope and took her hand. The mother and daughter watched the couple till the break apart so Freya could speak.

"People will forget the things you said" Freya began her eulogy. "Forget the things you did but no one ever forgets the way you made them feel. Hayley Marshall made me feel like I was part of a family. And when the realities of this life became too much to bear, we shouldered them together. We laughed. We cried. When I failed, she lifted me up. And when I succeeded, she danced by my side. She did that for all of us. No one will ever be able to replace her or heal the pain we feel at her loss but we can honor her with our actions and with our words. We can love each other, the way she would have wanted us to love"

As Freya finished her speech, Lisina lit the boat containing Hayley's remains on fire and another wolf pushed it out into the bayou.

"Goodbye Aunt Hayley" Hope said leaning into her mother. Klaus suddenly walked up and took her hand. "What are you doing here? You can't be here."

"Yes, I can," Klaus told her "Just for a moment. Our family has infinite struggles ahead but right now I need to be here with my daughter."

"Things are probably going to get ugly" Freya told Lisina when thunder boomed in the sky.

"Let's pack it in everyone," Lisina told the pack. "Take shelter"

As everyone else headed inside, Klaus and Hope remained on the docks. Lya stopped far enough away that she could hear them but not be seen.

"I promise to be here for you," Klaus told Hope. "Even if I can't be your side, holding your hand. I'll call and I'll write and Freya will allow us some time together with her magic. You have to know this is the last time we can do this." He passed before hugging her.

"I'm going to fix this for us" Hope promised as the fire caught on the water.

"I hope that you do," Klaus told her watching the flames get closer to them.

"We shouldn't let the fire reach land" Hope stated, "you should go."

"Just one more minute," Klaus said placing a hand on her cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too" Hope responded just before Klaus left. After a few more seconds heard Hope beginning mumbling under her breath and before Lya could react her neck was snapped.


She came to on the floor of the Compound. Klaus wasn't too far away from. The original hybrid got to his feet and tried to walk out but was forced back.

"It's no use" Elijah's voice rang out catching Klaus and Lya's attention. The pair turned around in time to see him walk out in the open.

"You stay away from me," Klaus told his brother stepping slightly in front of Lya.

"Oh believe me," Elijah said "I'm not here because I enjoy the presence of your company. There's no way out. We're trapped here."

"Lovely" Lya groaned.

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