Chapter 45: Like Mother Like Daughter

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Lya and Klaus arrived in the New Orleans late at night the next day. When they got to the compound, Freya seemed to be the only occupant of the house to be done stairs.

"Sister," Klaus said getting her attention. Freya quickly got up from the couch and faced the pair. "Years have been kind to you"

"You know just sunblock," Freya said after hugging her brother. "the love of a good woman, and quite literally witchcraft. You can't stay. Hope's home."

"I have no interest in infecting my daughter with this darkness," Klaus told her "but once we find Hayley, I will crawl back from wince I came. Freya this city reeks of blood like it hasn't since the war of 1812."

"Yeah well, your to blame this time," Freya told him "I know you spoke with Elijah and then hours later it rained red."

"No story that's ever ended with water turning to blood has ever ended triumph." Klaus stated "I need to leave or think are going to get worse. Tell us about Hayley."

As Freya began to fill her brother and the mother of her niece in on what she footstep heading for them were caught by the two vampires. Instantly Klaus bolted from the compound just in time for Hope to enter the room.

"Dad?" She asked

"Sorry sweetheart," Lya told the girl as she looked disappointed but at the same time not surprised.

"Mom don't make excuses for him" Hope said before turning to head back up to her room.

"Give her a minute to cool down," Freya said trying to keep Lya from storming after the fifteen-year-old but of course Lya didn't listen. Within seconds the Winchester girl had caught up to Hope right outside her room.

"Mom, I don't want to talk about it" Hope said entering her room and sitting on her bed.

"I don't want you to talk." Lya said, "I want you to listen."

"Please don't do what Uncle Sam and Uncle Dean do whenever we have an agrument," Hope said, "I'd want to know what it's like from Dad's perspective."

"No, I hated that too," Lya said pausing "Have I ever told you about the time your Grandpa John went missing."

"Yeah you were twelve" Hope said "and got stuck going on hunts with Sam and Dean. When you finally got grandpa back he died to save Uncle Dean."

"Okay, but did I ever tell about the time I ran away," Lya asked and Hope shocks her head. "I was about nine and your Uncle Sam had been away at college for a year. Dean was off on a hunt by himself and I got in this big argument with my dad because I want to see Sammy. Anyways he went to a bar to blow off steam and me being a hotheaded child decided I'd go see Sam on my own."

"Did you?" Hope asked

"Oh yeah I managed to buy a bus ticket all the way to Stanford," Lya said, "but Sam never know I was there."

"You didn't go to him" Hope asked

"Nope" Lya laughed "I chickened out when I saw him on a date with Jessica. I end up going to Bobby's and I was there a week before Dad came an got me."

"I don't understand," Hope said, "What's the point?"

"My point is fathers suck," Lya said "and it up to daughters just to put up with them no matter how stupid their being. Both your Grandpa John and Grandpa Chuck are a prime example of what I mean and your dad is pretty close to them so I think you can handle him. After all, you're my daughter."

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