Chapter 33: June Weddings

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The next year went by quickly. Between dealing with Sirens, Nephiliims, and an alternate universe it was expected though. Right now Lya was in Mystic Falls helping plan Caroline and Stefan's rushed wedding will her brothers were off in Apocalypse world-saving Mary and Jack.

"You seem stressed," Damon said handing Lya a glass a bourbon which she quickly downed.

"Well, I have a bride freaking out up stairs," Lya told him "three little witches I have to get dressed in the next two hours, my nephew who's pretty much my son is trapped in chaos land, oh and yours and Stefan sure crazy ex-girlfriend is on loose."

"Want me to take care of the munchkins" Damon offered.

"Yes please," Lya said kissing his cheek. "If you need anything I'll be calming down your soon to be sister-in-law."

Lya had been dancing with Matt at the wedding reception when Damon decided to make a toast. Bonnie had taken Hope and the twins up to the house to use the bathroom and Caroline and Stefan were a happy husband and wife. Katherine hadn't fallen for the bait.

"Paging the bride and groom," Damon said getting everyone's attention. "Thank you. It is now time for everyone's favorite best man to make a little toast. Little Brother, I have waited for a hundred and...well a whole lot of years to make this speech and today I finally get to tell my little brother..."

"I'll take it from here gorgeous" Kelly Donavon interpret him taking the mic. "He and I made out once super hot."

"Drunken toast from you mother," Lya told Matt as the pushed their way to the front of all the guest. "I'm not even surprised."

"Well I've known Stefan Salvatore for years," Kelly said "but I can honestly say I'm not sure what all the fuss is about and then there's Little Mrs. Perfect. To bad your mother's dead, maybe if you hadn't tried to cure cancer she might have lived to see this."

"Okay," Damon said trying to take back the mic and compelling her to stop.

"No Damon" Kelly said "You're worse than either of them. What you did to Vicki, shame on you. She didn't hurt anyone, ever. She might have turned her life around but you didn't give her the chance. Then again I never had a chance either, this town made up its mind about me a long time ago. You all looked through me for years, treated me like a joke. Sent me packing without a second thought. Maybe if you hadn't forgotten all about me, you would have known I had a bad fall two years ago and you never know I was dead. The only one who ever gave a damn about me was Katherine. She saw how I was suffering..."

"Where is she?" Damon cut her off grabbing her throat only for her to cough up.

"I have no idea" Kelly stated, "I was busily causing the gas leak in the house."

"Oh my God," Caroline and Lya said at the same time sharing a look. "The girls and Bonnie."

Stefan, Lya, and Caroline rush from the reception tent just in time for the house to explode. As Stefan keep Caroline from running in Damon came out of nowhere and pulled Lya back as she screamed her daughter's name. Suddenly the fire went out and Bonnie pushed the doors open as the three little girls ran out.

"Mommy" they all shout. The twins ran directly to Caroline and Hope ran into Lya.

"My sweet babygirl," Lya said hugging her daughter tightly as Caroline did the same to her own. "You're okay."

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