Chapter 35: Waking The Mikaelsons

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Over the course of the next year, Lya had been super busy. Between dealing with a Michael possessed Dean, helping Caroline and Ric start up the school, and helping Hayley collect the rest of the werewolf venom, she had a lot on her plate. Right now she was heading out to meet Hayley in Austin, Texas so they could finally wake the Mikaelsons.

Freya was the first they woke up and cured. Thataway Freya could make the cure for Elijah and Kol and then cure Rebekah of her hex.

"How much time do we have left," Hayley asked the witch.

"Maybe an hour" Freya stated "assuming they live that long."

"Do you have everything we need?" Lya asked as Freya took the vials of werewolf venom from Hayley.

"Venom from the seven packs," Freya said setting things up for the spell. "Along with Klaus' blood, infused by my magic, magnified by the dark objects. It's going to take all my strength and a little bit of luck but it should be enough to fashion a cure to save my brothers."

"Should?" Hayley asked, "What do you mean should?"

"We got the company," Lya said hearing cars pull up outside.

"Hayley" the werewolf, Keelin, said "let me go, please. If it's vampires their going to kill me."

"They must have been tracking her," Freya said looking to the sisters. "Hayley, Lya, I need more time."

Instantly the two left the room at vamp speed and went to face off against the vampires.

"Long time," the leader said, "it took us a long time to find you."

"Or maybe we just stopped running," Hayley said before she and Lya attacked. Each vampire that came at them either end up without a heart or a werewolf bite.

"Your bite is nasty," the leader told Hayley. "But you're outnumbered. Give up now and we'll end this quick."

"I have a better idea," Hayley told him and began shifting into the wolf. While Hayley tore apart vampires as a wolf Lya suddenly appeared behind the vampire that we're in the back.

"Hello boys," Lya said and they turned to face her. Instantly she grabbed two by the forehead and her eyes light up purple as she used what archangel power she still had without her grace to smite them. "Goodbye, boys."

"You want more" Lya heard Hayley ask her vampires once changed back. Suddenly all the remaining vampires were taken out and Elijah appeared behind Hayley and put his jacket around her. Instantly Hayley spun around and kissed him before they hugged.

"I'm gonna go call Hope," Lya told Hayley who gave her a thumbs up. Lya just shocks her head and walked away.

"Good Lord that one has some lungs on him," Rebekah said dropping a body to the ground as the prisoner Kol chased after screamed. "He should have been an Opera sing, probably would have turned out better for him."

"Is this absolutely necessary?" Freya asked her siblings.

"That depends," Rebekah said, "Do you want us at our full strength or do you plan on rescuing Nik on your own."

"Death rattles are distracting," Freya told the younger Mikaelson sister. "And I'm trying to break a cloaking spell."

"Kol! Would you please" Elijah shouted at his brother and the heard the prisoner's last scream before dying "Thank you? You were saying."

"I can sense Klaus is still in New Orleans," Freya said as Kol returned to the family "Most likely underground. I can't get a read on exactly where unless I'm in the city itself."

"Yeah that's gonna be a probably," Hayley told her "I have contacts in New Orleans. As you can imagine the place running with vampires all of whom hatWhatever.Whatever we do we need to do it fast."

"I wasn't planning on a pub crawl," Freya said, "I don't want to stay any longer than we have to but we need to go."

"Wait were not doing this today," Kol asked

"Hasn't Nik suffered enough" Rebekah asked in return.

"Yes," Kol told her "and I've died twice and I'm not about to give Marcel a shot at third. No, I say we draw that muppet out of town and when he's gone..."

"I have been away from my daughter long enough" Lya interrupted up. "If you're afraid..."

"It's called being sensible" Kol cut her off "Until Freya can make enough cure with her werewolf hostage, Marcel can basically chew through are bloody throats."

"Yours maybe," Lya said "but last I checked..."

"Enough," Elijah said cutting her off. "We're all in danger. We free Niklaus today. Even if I have to burn this city to the ground."

Note: Okay so whatever happens in Season 14 of Supernatural doesn't apply to this. Team Free Will saved Dean from AU! Michael before killing him and everything turned out okay.

~ Rynn

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