Chapter 32: Another Miracle Baby

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Lucifer was having a kid. Since Christmas, the devil had been expecting a baby and as of two weeks ago Lya and Cas had chosen to protect the Nephilim.

Lya probably understood what the child's mother, Kelly Kline was going through the best. After all, it was only just a few years that Lya had been in a similar situation. The only difference is that Kelly would never get a chance to raise her son.

"Was it this scary for you?" Kelly asked watching as Lya pulled a blanket over the five-year-old auburn-haired girl sleeping on the couch.

"I was horrified" Lya admitted brushing hair out of Hope's face and kissing her forehead before heading back upstairs to help Kelly paint Jack's room while Cas was out getting food. "I didn't know if I was going to survive childbirth let alone if Klaus was going to let me live once Hope was born. I can't imagine how terrified you must be knowing you won't survive but all I'll tell you this your son is a literal miracle and those are rare."

"He's lucky," Kelly said placing a hand on her belly "That he'll have you and Cas to take care of him. You'll raise him to be good like I know he is."


Lya was whipping wet clothes against Kelly's forehead when she heard the arguing start downstairs. She quickly excused herself to go see what was going on. Instantly she saw her brothers arguing with Cas about him and Lya running off with Kelly while Mary stood behind them watching.

"I'm sorry to interrupt" Lya spoke sarcastically at the three men. "But I got a woman about to give birth upstairs and even though I've had a child myself I have no fucking idea what I'm doing so if y'all would cut the crap and help me I'd be eternally grateful."

"Come on," Mary said, "I'll help."

The two Winchester women made their way upstairs. For a minute Sam, Dean, and Cas just stared at the place Lya had been standing.

"Is it just me or is she becoming more and more like the Mikaelsons?" Dean asked

"It's not just you" Sam agreed.


Lya stood in shock staring at the spot where the rift had been. Cas and Crowley had died in order to close it. Mary was stuck on the other side with Lucifer now and Kelly had died in childbirth. The three Winchesters were now on their own to raise Jack.

Lya was so far out of it, she didn't notice when her brothers left her or when Nephilim ran for the house. She was only pulled out her trance when Dean starts shaking her.

"Okay, so what's the plan," Lya asked once the boys filled her in.

"Well at the moment your going to head back to Mystic Falls," Dean said "and be with your daughter. Sam and I will deal with Lucifer Jr."

"Dean" Lya spoke in a scolding tone. "His name is Jack and he's a kid, so your job is to help him be good and make Kelly proud, not to be a dick about his parentage."

"Jeez, why are you so protective of him" Dean asked.

"Because technically he's my nephew," Lya said, "and I promised Kelly I'd keep him safe."

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