Chapter 55: Escape

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Hope had placed it each of the keys in places with a connection to things her family had done for. Kol's was hidden in the books he and Davina gave her for her ninth birthday. Rebekah's had been hidden with the necklace she gave Hope. Klaus had been with the letters that Hayley wrote him since Lya was too stubborn to write them herself. Lastly, Lya's had been with Dean's amulet that Hope got the day she meets Jack. All that was left to find was Elijah's key.

While the rest of the Mikaelsons were upstairs, Lya and Marcel went down to the dungeon. There they found a coffin. Walking over to it, Marcel opened it to reveal a bunch of snakes.

"Great" Marcel said before reaching in to find the key.

"Well that's definitely a statement about her feelings towards Elijah," Lya said as her friend pulled out the key.

"Come on, let's get out of here," Marcel said leading the way back upstairs to the courtyard. There they found the Mikaelsons on the ground coming to from have the Hollow ripped out of them. "Rebekah. Elijah's key we got it."

"How'd you find it?" Rebekah asked.

"Well, Kol's key was in As You Like It" Marcel stated "Act One Scene Three, Now Go We Into Content Of Liberty. Hope knows you can't stay she's setting you free. Rebekah, she put yours on the necklace you gave her, hidden somewhere safe and secret."

"Just like I heard her when she was a baby," Rebekah stated.

"Lya's was hidden with her brother's amulet" Marcel went on "because just like Dean was the one constant in Lya's life..."

"I'm the constant in Hope's" Lya finished

"Klaus found he in letters Hayley wrote to him about Hope," Marcel told the siblings.

"Get on with it," Klaus said.

"Elijah has been a lot of things to me over the years" Marcel began looking at Elijah. "after you ripped my heart out all you represent to me is death. After what happened to Hayley, Hope sees you the same way. Your key was in a coffin in the dungeon."

"Come on," Klaus said getting to feet after Marcel handed Elijah his key. "Let's be done with my daughter's maze of metaphors."

One by one they each released their lock from the door. Stepping back the door slowly swung open to reveal a white corridor with a single red door at the end. Once they all stepped inside, the door disappeared trapping them inside.

"Oh bloody hell," Kol said "Now we're in Elijah's mental maze. You know of all the hells I've headed to endure."

"The door" Elijah mumbled staring at the red door. "What is this, Hope's revenge. Imprison me till I took back all my memories, forcing me to take responsibility for all this."

"Well as much as I like a cherry on top of a scheme," Kol said motioning to his door. "I have somewhere else to be." Kol left through his door and Marcel quickly followed his action.

"Well, I'm going to follow their lead and leave," Lya said opening her door. She instantly woke up on the floor of Saint Ann's. Kol and Marcel quickly helped her to her feet before they all moved to wait for Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah.

Rebekah was next to join them back in the real world. Marcel helped her to her feet and her to join them in waiting for the others. After a minute Klaus and Elijah joined them. Within seconds, Elijah broke down as all his memories came flooding.

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