Chapter 30: Amara

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A few days after Chuck revealed the truth to Lya, Sam and Dean had been told the truth as well. At the moment the Winchester, Lucifer, and Chuck we're coming up with a plan against Amara. Chuck had made it clear he couldn't beat her himself and there was nothing he could do to bring Gabriel and Raphael back or restore Lya's grace. Of course, there was the option of letting Michael out of the cage but he was in no state to help take on the Darkness.

"Okay so what all do we have," Chuck asked.

"Demons," Dean said, "Crowley's a former king of hell that has to count for something and can get the rest of the demons to help."

"What else," Chuck said nodding in agreement with Dean.

"Witches," Sam and Lya said at the same time.

"It might not be much help," Lya said "but I've seen a witch or two do some pretty amazing things. They could at least slow her down."

"Good idea," Chuck said

"Then there are the angels," Lucifer said, "They weakened her before."

"Great anything else," Chuck asked and the four others shock their heads. "Okay so here's the plan. Dean, you'll convince Crowley and the demons to help. Sam, you're on witch recruiting duty, since witch and vampires don't get along very well. Lucifer, you'll get the angels to work with us. Then will lure Amara to us, the witches, demons, and angels will make their move before Lucifer psychically attacks her and then I'll look her away for good."

"Why don't we just kill her," Dean asked.

"Would you kill your own sister?" Chuck asked motioning to Lya and Dean shook his head. "See just like you wouldn't ever think of hurting Lya, I could never actually kill Amara. She's my sister."

Simply put the plan failed and Lya wasn't too surprised. She figured Amara would have been expecting them to make a move against her. The bad thing was she pretty much killed Chuck since he was close to dying, which ultimately meant the end of everything.

Soon a new plan was formed. They'd take Amara before Chuck died. Dew was supercharged with souls and went to meet her. However, Chuck soon disappeared as well as leaving Sam, Cas, Crowley, Rowena, and Lya behind.

"Should we be concerned?" Sam asked earning a shrug from Crowley and Rowena.

"Probably not," Lya said cutting Cas. "There's literally only two ways this could end. Either Chuck and Amara makeup or all of creation is destroyed, neither can be that bad."

"Well I think we got the better option," Rowena said after a moment of silence. She pointed to the window, where outside the doomsday sky had cleared up.

When Sam, Cas, and Lya got back to the bunker some British chick was waiting for them. Instantly she banished Cas and knocked out Lya before she took Sam. Lya didn't wake till she got a call from Caroline hours later to let Hope say goodnight.

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