Chapter 11: Family Drama

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Klaus and Elijah were busy dealing with Kol and Finn when Lya got a call from her brothers asking her to meet. Of course, she chooses them over Mikaelsons drama though she hadn't been expecting a time-traveling grandfather when she got there.

"So if Sam and Dean are your brothers and your John's daughter," Henry said as the four Winchesters waited to go after Abaddon "then that makes you my granddaughter."

"And my daughter would be your great-granddaughter," Lya said, "After all that's how families work."

"If you have a daughter then where is she?" Henry asked.

"With her Aunt Rebekah," Lya told him "I have seen her since was born seven months ago."

"If you don't mind me asking, why?" Henry said

"Her father has many enemies," Lya told him "and we decided she was safer with Aunt till we can make New Orleans safe for her."

"Word of advice even though it probably doesn't mean much coming from me," Henry said, "Don't stay away from your child to long, otherwise history would be repeating itself."

"Lya, Henry, It's time" Dean shouted at them.

"We had a deal" Dean spun around to face Abaddon when she closed the door on the three siblings.

"Surprise," she said shoving her hand into Henry's stomach "I lied"

"Henry" Sam panicked but his siblings stopped him from rushing forward.

"Your not the only one," Henry said uncuffing himself and shooting in her with a demon's trap bullet.

"Woo" Abandoned gasped "What a blast, Now give me the box" She reaches for the pocket Dean had put the box in only to find a box of cards instead. "Where is it! Okay, we can do this hard way" she grabbed Henry's face and tried to see what he know only to have her demon powers not work and throw him to the ground. Instantly Sam rushed to help his grandfather. "Why am I stuck?" She let out a demonic chuckle realizing what had happened. "You still didn't kill me."

"No, but you'll wish we did," Dean said as Lya vamp speed to her and decapitated her.

"Demon's trap in head's gonna keep you smoking out" Lya explained, "So we're going to cut you into little bits and bury you under cement."

"You did," Henry said looking up at the youngest and oldest of his grandchildren as they moved to crouch next to him.

"No, you did it," Dean said "For a bookworm that wasn't bad, Henry"

"Sorry I judge you three so harshly for being hunters and a vampire" Henry apologized "I should have known better."

"About" Sam asked

"Your also Winchesters," Henry said "As long as we're alive there's always hope. I didn't know my son as a man but having met you three, I know I would have been proud of him"

"Okay, not today old man," Lya said bitting her wrist and giving him her blood to heal him. "Perks of have a vampire for granddaughter is she's willing to save your life."

"Why isn't this working," Henry asked as he tried to send himself back to the proper time.

"Who the hell knows," Sam said, "It could be your still too weak at the moment or Abaddon did something."

"He can come back to New Orleans with me," Lya said "I get a witch to see what up"

"Well, that's settled," Dean said as Lya's phone went off.

"What Klaus" she answered

"I'm sending you the address to a safe house," Klaus told her "It's time we see our daughter."

Before she could respond he hangs up and she got the location.

"Who's up for a family road trip to Arkansas" Lya turned to her brothers and grandfather. "More importantly, who wants to meet my daughter?"

Of course, Lya was going to save Henry, he's her grandfather for crying out loud but he never gets back to the right point in time. Plus it's time for an awesome Family reunion.

~ Rynn

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