Chapter 20: Bad Feeling

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The first two months after the disaster at Ric's wedding went by quickly. Damon and Bonnie had taken Ric to Europe to help him keep from going crazy after losing Jo and the twins. Caroline had gotten used to the fact that her mom was gone and Matt had finished the deputy training program. Stefan was busy protecting Mystic Falls from Lily and her Heretics. Then there was Lya, though she would never get over the loss of her child she had to adjust to her new life.

"I see your writing to Elena," Lya said popping behind Caroline, who sat on the bench dedicated to her mother.

"Just telling her about mom's bunch and Matt's graduation," Caroline told her. "Any word from Dean on how Sammy's doing after everything that happened on their end of the supernatural world."

"He didn't give me any details," Lya told her cousin "but he said Sammy's fine but if I'm being honest with you, Dean did something stupid to make it to where Sam was fine."

"Oh please tell me you're not thinking he called on a crossroad's demon again," Caroline said, "Right now, no one in this family could take another loss."

"Dean's not that stupid," Lya told her "he knows we'd personal send him to hell if he did."

"Fair point," Caroline said, "So what do you think he did."

"I have no idea," Lya told her "but I know it's not going to end well. I can't help but feel like something bad is going to happen."

"Bad how?" Caroline asked.

"Death" Lya told her. That one word was enough for Caroline to understand what Lya was feeling. It was a feeling she only had a few other times in her life and she always ended up being right. "And the weird thing is I was on the phone with Kevin when I got this feeling."

"You don't think it's Kevin's death you were sensing" Caroline asked.

"I hope not," Lya told her "I finally got someone my own age hanging around Sam and Dean. Plus Kevin's a good kid, he definitely doesn't deserve to die."

"Have you told the boys about this feeling?" Caroline asked.

"Dean will just thinking I'm crazy," Lya told her "and Sam would start investigating how Dean saved him, which could end terribly like when he investigates his time without his soul."

"Oh god, we definitely don't want to go down that road again," Caroline said, "He was a wreak."

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