Chapter 37: Family

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The five Mikaelson, Hayley and Lya stood in silence staring at Marcel. Lya figured they'd probably see him before they got away from New Orleans the second Hayley said he was behind them. She just figured they had a little time.

"You shouldn't have come back," Marcel said "none of you."

"That's what family does," Lya said, "they fight for each other."

"Yeah so I've heard," Marcel said, "Though it really didn't work out for me."

"Oh for God's sake" Kol groaned "You were never a Mikaelson get over it. Don't you have a city to run? Vampires to put our of town"

"If you want to kill one of us," Rebekah said stepping in front of her family as Marcel took a step towards Kol. "You have to kill all of us."

"Hey don't push me, Rebekah," Marcel said

"Get on with it," Rebekah told him "let's end this once and for all."

"That's enough," Klaus said stepping out of line with siblings. "Marcel you've won. New Orleans was our city once, now it's yours, for good."

"Is the great Klaus Mikaelson accepting defeat?" Marcel asked "or is this all just another distraction"

"Neither," Klaus said "Actually despite your behavior I am offering you a chance at peace. Attempt to kill us all and you will be making a mistake, any who survived would return to seek revenge bringing our enemies back to your city in our wake and even if you did manage to eliminate us all, one day my daughter would come for you and her daughter after that. On and on for all your days, an endless cycle of violence you'd bring upon yourself. Or we leave and we never come back"

"After all that time buried in a hole you still got some nerve," Marcel said "You stand there with a straight face and try to sell this like it's your choice but here's the truth I could kill all of you right now and tonight I'd sleep like a baby. No that's what you would do. You have destroyed more people, taken more lives, end more families, then anyone who has ever lived. All because you can but here's the other truth despite being raised by you people, I am nothing like any of you. In fact, I'm proud as hell I'm not a Mikaelson. I beat you all without turning into you and now you can live the rest of your lives knowing that the only reason you existed is that I am showing you mercy. Now go and don't ever come back."

They all stared at him for second before turning to head for the car.

"Oh, one more thing" Lya stopped suddenly an turned back to face him. "You couldn't actually kill us all. Everyone that could kill me is either on sabbatical or dead."

Hours later they arrived at the house Hayley and Lya were currently staying at with Hope. Kol was first to enter the house followed by Freya. Rebekah and Elijah each stop and talked to Klaus for a second before heading in with Hayley.

"You okay," Lya asked standing beside him as he looked at the house.

"Well considering the imprisoning, torture and forced isolation," Klaus told her.

"Well for what it's worth I'm sorry," Lya said, "I can't imagine what you've been through."

"Well, I had moments of solace to sustain me," Klaus said, "it's because of them I'm here now."

"So does that mean you're ready to see your little girl," Lya asked stepping up on to the steps.

"Actually there's something I should do first," Klaus said.

"And what's that," Lya said and Klaus rushed to her and kissed her.

"Something I've been wanting to do again for five years," he told they broke the kiss.

"Come on," Lya said taking his hand and leading him into the house and up to Hope's room were the auburn-haired Mikaelson was fast asleep. "Want me to wake her for you?"

"No" Klaus whispered in response "let's let her sleep."

"Okay," Lya whispered and kissed his cheek. "I'll be done the stairs."

Klaus just nodded and smiled as she left.

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