Chapter 56: Breakfast

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The morning after Hope took the Hollow back, Klaus, Lya, Freya, and Hope sat around the table having breakfast. Klaus had just finished giving a speech about the family being reunited after seven years.

"Would you please pass the beignets" Hope asked Freya.

"Of course," Freya said passing the pastries to her niece.

"So Rebekah will be back in a few days" Klaus informed the three women. "She's just tying up loose ends overseas."

"It'll be nice to have her here" Hope responded.

"I'll be good to have all of us under one roof again," Freya added as Elijah entered the dining room.

"Good Morning," Elijah said and Hope rolled her eyes looking away from him. "Obviously there's a lot for us to discuss. Hope let me begin by telling you how truly sorry..."

"Thanks for breakfast guys" Hope cut him off. "But I have homework to catch up on."

Hope quickly got up from her seat and left the room. Lya looked over at where her daughter had been sitting and saw that Hope's fork had been bent in half.

"That's not normal," Klaus said referring to the fork. "She's not normal"

"She lost her aunt, Niklaus," Elijah said, "I shouldn't have come down here."

"At least you can claim amnesia," Klaus told him "Unlike our sister who will aid a child in ruining her life."

"Hope is not a child" Freya stated

"Did you even consider what absorbing all that power would do to her?" Klaus asked his older sister.

"And what choice did I have," Freya asked

"Deny her," Klaus told the witch "Defy her. We had a plan to keep the dark magic away from her."

"A plan that wasn't working," Freya told him.

"Yes well, thanks to the magic has her now," Klaus said "So if my daughter should be harmed in any way, shape, or form. I will hold you personally responsible"

With that Klaus left the dining room as well. For a while, Freya, Lya, and Elijah stayed silent. Finally, Lya got up from her own seat to leave.

"Where are you going," Freya asked the vampire that was heading for the door.

"Calling in a favor," Lya told her before quickly leaving the entire compound.

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