Chapter 53: Chambre de Chasse

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The last thing Lya Winchester need right now was to be trapped in a Chambre de Chasse with Elijah and Klaus. The way the past few weeks had gone it wasn't the best idea to trap her in on the astral plane with the person that was partially to blame for his sister death and the ex-boyfriend she was still in love with.

After the strange encounter with Elijah in the courtyard, Lya left the Mikaelsons brothers on their own and headed for the kitchen. For a little while, she listened in to the conversation going on between Elijah and Klaus as they tried to figure away out. She only stopped listening when Rebekah appeared out of nowhere in front of her.

"Rebekah?" The brunette asked in shock helping the younger Mikaelson sister back to her feet.

"Lya" Rebekah greeted hugging the girl "What's going on?"

"Trapped in Chambre de Chasse" Lya stated her guess.

As if on cue, Klaus shouted back in their general direction. The pair shared a look before heading out to the front room.

"Oh, Nik," Rebekah said stepping out into his view first "Always so dramatic."

"Rebekah" Klaus smiled at his little sister who quickly closed the distance between and hugged her brother. However, before the conversation could continue any further Kol was dropped into the Chambre, naked.

"Oh, bloody hell," Kol said seeing his sister, brother, and Lya. "My least favorite recurring nightmare."

"Kol," Lya said, "go put some clothes and then we need to talk about putting you in therapy."

"Very funny, love" Kol said leaving the three alone to go find some clothes. Once he was out of the room Rebekah moved to open a bottle of wine deciding the situation called for a drink.

"I was in Corsica" Rebekah informed Lya and Klaus "drowning my sorrow's about Hayley when suddenly I dropped." When she finally got the cork of the bottle and tried to pour herself a glass of wine only to realize the bottle was dry, Rebekah turned to her big brother. "What I wouldn't give to spend a decade without being dragged into a godforsaken Chambre de Chasse."

"Suppose you were in a broad meeting," Klaus said when Kol rejoined Rebekah, Klaus, and Lya.

"I was waiting for my wife to come home from work," Kol told him "Once again ripped from complete contentment for this. Suppose I'll ask the obvious. Piss off any witches lately?"

"Actually my current group of enemies are a pair of hate mongers," Klaus told his brother "that see myself and my daughter as an abomination to the vampire race."

"The bigot to the undead" Rebekah said "That's new. The most have a witch for hire."

"A witch that's spent enough time here to replicate every detail," Lya said, "That's highly unlikely."

"The culprit may be closer to home," Freya said confirming Lya's theory when she appeared coming downstairs. "A witch who knows the compound well and doesn't trust you to stay away from Elijah. Someone who would risk everything to save New Orleans from plagues."

"Vincent" Klaus guessed.

"Oh, the bright side he would never harm Hope" Freya stated "you on the other hand. I expect he'll be shipping your bodies to the four corners of the world."

"All of our bodies," Rebekah asked her big sister. "He isn't here is he?"

"He is" Elijah answered for Freya "and I think I just found our way out of here."

The family quickly followed Elijah out into the courtyard. There they found a giant wooden door with six padlocks on each. Each padlock was branded with their first initial.

"This wasn't here before," Elijah said, "What is it?"

"It's representational magic," Kol told them "I expect there are keys. One for each of us, hidden somewhere meaningful. Somewhat connected to who we are."

"And for those of us who don't remember who we are," Elijah asked

"I'll give Antoinette your regrads," Klaus told him getting his shoulder smacked by Lya while Freya halted Elijah from reacting.

"Door won't open unless all six locks are realised," Freya told Klaus "The only way out is together."

"Elijah," Kol said looking at his oldest living brother "If we're to get through this without bloodshed, I suggest you go to the furthest corner of the house from Nik" Kol quickly glanced at Lya. "and probably Lya as well. Come along follow me."

"Split up" Klaus turned to the three women once his brothers were gone. "We need to turn this place upside down. I only just promised my grieving daughter I wouldn't abound her again. I can't be stuck here."

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