Chapter 23: Sire Line

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When Stefan showed up at the compound with Klaus, Lya admittedly knows what was going on. Caroline, of course, had called her days early after the twins were born and told her everything that had happened. After Freya helped hide Stefan from Rayna Cruz and the Strix kidnapped Klaus and Elijah, Lya went after Stefan to get his help.

"Stefan" Lya shouted catching him on his way out of New Orleans. "Okay so I know Freya and the other Mikaelson wanted you out New Orleans as soon as Freya helped you but we need your help."

"What could have possibly happened that requires the originals to need my help," Stefan asked.

"The Strix took Klaus and Elijah and plan to break the sire link" Lya explained, "and of course they're going to test it by killing Klaus since the Strix wouldn't care if his siblings died."

"And you know I'd help" Stefan stated, "because if the sire line doesn't break and Klaus dies that mean Damon, Caroline, and I also die."

"Yeah pretty much," Lya said "and we both know I don't want you, Care, and Damon died. I'd go and help but if things go south..."

"Hope at least needs one parent alive," Stefan said "I get it and I'll help but only because of your asking "


"Could use one the access tunnels to sneak into a back room?" Stefan said tapping the map as everyone worked on a plan. "What worried about getting a little dirt on your thousand-dollar shoes?"

"Actually I'll be doing most of the heavy lifting" Lucien stated "Considering the vampires we're facing are seven times your age. Is this really the best help we can get?"

"Doesn't matter?" Marcel said "We're not getting their bodies back. Strix is flying in from all over the world to make sure this spell goes off. They're guarding every entrance and exit."

"Well, your their leader," Lucien said, "Call a meeting, schedule a retreat, order them to stop."

"Over a thousand years old and your this stupid" Lya said, "If he does that Aya will start a coup."

"So it's on me to come up with our grand plan then," Lucien said

"No need Lucien," Hayley said entering the room with Freya "Freya found a way to get the boys out the Chambre. She just needs a strong enough power source."

"I'd channel Finn but he's all for letting our brothers perish," Freya said "so I'll just channel Lucien. The older the vampire, the better the battery."

"We're going to be her some time," Hayley told Marcel and Stefan. "Keep the Strix occupied."

"Hold on your going to leave me here with the leftover sister and the one night stand," Lucien said "well you take the two toddlers and tackle the Strix. You must be joking."

"That was impressive," Stefan said when Freya waved her hand and broke Lucien's neck.

"Well I work better with quite" Freya told him.

"So the plan is that the three of us are going to keep a hundred of the world's most ancient vampires occupied," Marcel said

"Well there could be another way," Stefan said, "All you have to do is get us to the front door."

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