Chapter 40: Brother

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Lya sat in the lounge going through boxes of her's and Hayley's mom's stuff that had been left in her old house. At the moment she flipped through an old family album that contained pictures of baby Hayley for the first few pages then it suddenly changed to Lya's baby pictures.

"You hosting a yard sale," Klaus asked entering the lounge.

"I just figured while we're stuck here I'd figure out which stuff to keep, "Lya told him "and which stuff to donate."

"Listen," Klaus said moving closer to her "I found Hope exploring the rubbish in the attic. She restless"

"She not restless," Lya said "She bored. Most kids her age would be at school and would have friends to play with."

"Well once Freya teaches her to hone her magic, she is powerful beyond measure," Klaus said "she won't need friends. She'll be worshipped."

"She doesn't want to be worshipped," Lya told him "She just wants someone to hold the other end of the jump rope."

"She is above such things," Klaus said "She will have power enough to protect herself from anything. We won't have to trap her in bloody boundary spells just to keep her safe."

"Thank you by the way," Lya said deciding to change the subject. "I know it's not in your nature to keep violence out of this house."

"We will protect her innocence for as long as we can," Klaus said "You and I know the importance of that. No one protected ours"

"Well since your here," Lya said "You might as well help me go through this stuff. You might find something useful."

"Oh look at that" Klaus said with a joking tone as he looked into the box. "How to defeat the Hollow volume one. Hidden right here amongst these guns and roses records. Oh, sweet child of mine."

"Very funny," Lya said grabbing something from one of the boxes and throwing it at him. The original just caught the object and smirked at her.

"And yet you still love me," Klaus said continuing to smirk at her.

"Yeah, I'm being to rethink that" Lya joked standing up and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'm gonna go call my brothers real quick."

When the boundary spell went down, Lya's number one concern had been keeping them away from Hope. When Hope turned out to have not been in the house and Klaus found her with Marcel, Lya was relieved that her daughter was safe.

"Is she asleep?" Klaus asked when Lya walked out on to the balcony after putting Hope to bed. "She was caught on the way home."

"She didn't exactly by your story about paint on your hand," Lya told him

"When I think about the horror she must have witnessed when Marcel killed those men," Klaus said

"No," Lya told him "She didn't see anything actually. Marcel swept her away before she could even understand what was going on. He told her to close her eyes and sing"

"She called him her friend," Klaus told Lya with a laugh.

"Well in a way that's understandable," Lya said, "Afterall you loved Marcel like a son once which by default makes him her brother."

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