Chapter 22: Kidnapped

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Once back in New Orleans, Lya and Hope moved into the apartments across from the compound. After he compelled her, Lya refused to live with Klaus and there was no way she'd let Hope stay in his care. She ends putting the apartment in Jackson's name that way no vampires besides her and Hayley were aloud in without Jackson inviting them in first.

However, at the moment, Hope was at the compound with Freya while Lya helped Jackson and Hayley get Jackson stuff from the Bayou. The trio had each carried a box out to the truck when Jackson was hit with a tranq dart second later Lya and Hayley each caught the one intended for them.

"Are you going to hide the woods or are you going to come out and fight" Hayley shouted right before Aya stabbed her in the neck with a dart as some random vampire did the same to Lya.

"Gladly," Aya said only for Hayley to turning around hit. Lya, on the other hand, ripped out her assailant's heart. As this happened Jackson pulled the dart from his neck and began helping Lya fight off the rest of the vampires that showed up.

"Hayley" Jackson shouted as Aya hit the hybrid hard enough to knock her back into the truck.

"Jack" Hayley shouted back watching as her husband and sister were overwhelmed by vampires. Suddenly someone shot Hayley with two darts while Jackson and Lya were knocked unconscious.

An unknown amount of time later, the three woke up chained to chairs. Instantly the two sisters tried to break free but Jackson told them he already tried.

"The more you struggle the more wolfsbane gets pumped into your veins," Jackson told them "or in Lya's case vervain."

"Jack," Hayley said as the sisters noticed the blood pooling at Jackson's feet "your leg. Are you okay?"

"Yeah," he told his wife "they worked me over pretty good and with all the wolfsbane in my system I ain't healing so well."

"Just breathe," Lya told him "when we get the chance to fight to be ready."

"I don't know if I'm going to get that chance" Jackson responded.

"Stop," Hayley told him "We are going to get out of here, Jack"

"I love you," Jackson told Hayley "I've always loved you."

"Didn't" Hayley begged

"When I first saw you I broke," Jackson told her. "You broke me and nothing has ever been the same since. I just wanted you to know that it was all real. Every moment, every touch, every word"

"How absolutely darling" Tristan said entering the room. "Or pathetic, I suppose it's all relative"

"Let us out of here or so help me I will kill you" Lya threatened to yank at her chains.

"Somehow I doubt it" Tristan stated "I've been pondering this moment since your sister tortured me. What is the best way to truly hurt a hybrid? And then it came to me."

"No" Hayley shouted as Tristan yanked Jackson's head back and ripped his heart out. Hayley let out an agonizing scream as he did so.

Hours later Tristan traded Lya and Hayley for his sister, who was actually Cami in disguise. With that Tristan was captured, and the sisters were returned to the compound the Mikaelsons of what Tristan did to Jackson.

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